sad and horny waaaaah!

He wont touch me :( its been 5 days and nothing hormones are going crazy ...since ive been pregnant we havent went this long without having sex ..max 2 days but nada ..and ugh i dont even feel sexy ..i hope is not from work that has him like this which i really doubt because hes been more stressed and we had our alone time still :( mind going to nagative places like him cheating :(


  • Same here. I know my hubby isn't cheating tho. He got fired after filing an L&I claim because he got hurt on the job and the dumb ho who worked on his case denied him. So he's spending all his time with me. I thought for sure when he stopped working, we'd be getting it on all the time like we used to, but nope. Being huge doesn't help my self esteem especially since I used to be skinny and now I weigh more than I ever have :(
  • :( how much you weigh :( .....ugh i hate feeling like this i think he sees it in my face and asks are you ok and i dont want to nag so i say just a minor headache....i just feel like he so over me sex wise no kissing or anything and me i just want to jump him but afraid for rejection :( so i keep my hands to myself
  • my husband n I barely have sex. I hate it bc I always want it. he thinks hes hurting the baby. ughhhh im sexually frustrated
  • I went from 175 to 215. I'm a thick girl so I look thin at 175. Most of my weight is in my butt lol. My husband asks if I'm ok all the time and I just say yeah. I don't wanna make him feel bad. I get rejected or ignored every time I've tried lately. Ugh, it just sucks.
  • Omg guys I feel the same way its been a week and a half , and its making my self esteem go down soooooo low , I feel so depressed he takes me out 2 or 3 times a week , but I'm still sad , my mind also wonders if he's cheating cause normally I'm so into my body and looks , and we used to both work out together but , my focus is on the baby , I feel like he doesn't see me as sexy anymore , he's always usually the one begging me for some ,now I'm the desperate one just waiting on a little stare lol. And i tried once to make a move but I got rejected ;( , don't worry cause I'm going to store that one in my memory and when I'm back to norm I'm gonna get his ass back lol revenge is near
  • Lol ....i tell him i look fat he goes no your fine your pregnant what you want to loose weigj while pregnant? ...ima thick girl to i weighed 177 prego now 195 ugh back then i was fine because i didnt look bad i had my average body butt boobs plus i was loosing weight and even i admit i looked ok that i was satified a lil jus had to loose a lil more stomach lol..... i just hope im wrong n he doesnt cheat i find him so sexy lol but i dont think he does
  • Well I'm in the same boat but only because I'm in Atlanta and my fiance is in NY. I was sure as hell expecting to see him in 7 days but situations aren't making it look as if he's gonna be able to come. :-( What to do? Being away from your other half yet alone not getting sex when you want it and all you do is have dreams of all the things you wanna do/ used to do before you got pregnant, aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
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