feels like there is an elephant sitting on my chest

edited June 2011 in Third Trimester
I can't sleep I can't breathe my chest is so tight. I know its from the baby pushing on things but I can't get into a position where its any better. I don't remember having this problem with the other 2


  • i wake up like that every day! srry...i hope u get some relief soon!
  • Im suffering too :( it sucks bad.i can only breath sitting up and im not even good at it that way its just the easiest..lol every night i lay down im out of breath and my hubby is like "whats wrong with you,are you okay?" And i reply with "yes i just cant friggin breath!"
  • Try stretching out a little bit. Sit straight up in a chair with your feet on the floor. Roll your shoulders 5-10 times frontwards and backwards slowly, making the largest circles you can. Take slow, deep (deepest you can do) breaths while doing it. Stretch your arms over your head behind you. Don't go all the way you can but start not too deep of a stretch, deep breath, when you inhale stretch deeper when you exhale hold place. When you inhale go deeper again exhale hold place.

    Bahhh I could do a bunch more too :/ try putting your arms over your head to sleep. It worked for both me and my mom, it takes a little pressure off your diaphragm
  • Sleeping with my arms over my head is about the only way that I can get any kind of relief from the insane pressure that I feel in my ribs...and Hubby-to-Be hates it. His mom is really big on the whole "putting your arms above your head can put a knot in the baby's umbilical cord" thing, so any time he catches me sleeping with my arms above my head, he pokes me so that I'll wake up and move them. I love him to death and appreciate his concern, but it's the only way I'm not miserable; and I've seen no proof that putting your arms above your head knots the baby's cord.
    I love his mom to death and thank her (times 115) for all that she has done for me, but telling him stuff like that makes me want to hit her with a shoe. :p
  • I tried sleeping with my arms up but can't do it.
  • Its only at night. I can breathe fine durring the day. I don't know if its because I'm more relaxed at night or what. Even sitting up I can't breathe.
  • Unless im sitting straight up I can't breathe either. And sitting straight up just isn't comfortable.
  • The best thing for that is a recliner...reclined not fully .....it helped me tremendously its a scary feeling....hope this helps u sweety
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