could it be?

edited February 2011 in Pregnant
my boobs are SO tender. excuse me for being so blunt,but...I'm curious. period was due on the 13th and with today being the 15th I'm 2 days late. (which is a good thing because im trying to concieve) so, not only are by breasts sore and tender, but I've also missed my period, and..I know my body, and how it works by now, and not once has my breasts ever felt this sensitive before. they hurt :( so, I know I'm not about to start my period. could I be pregnant? *spreads baby dust*


  • My boobs were so sensitive then next day I took a test and I was pregnant. Take a test and see but dnt be discouraged if its negative it night just be early for u.*Sprinkling baby dust* Ur way good luck
  • thanks so much! I took a test the day after my expected period,which was yesterday...also took one the day of my expected period....still both times they were negative. :( maybe its too early? I'm hoping so!
  • I think u should wait until ur period is atleast bout 4 days late
  • what are some other symptoms you have while being pregnant? I have swollen achy tender breasts, headaches, and I'm extremely tired. I haven't encountered any nasuea or anything like that. no morning sickness or nothing. is that normal?
  • Get a first response test,it can tell 5 days before a missed period. That's your best shot. Good luck :)
  • Only symptom I had was the sore boobs...I tested about 2 days after my pd was late and now im 7 weeks 4 days, good luck and *baby dust* your way I know how your feeling
  • I just got tender boobs and dizziness and being tired . I still dnt get nauseous or anything elsa I hope it stays that way.
  • oh yeah also I took a week after my period missed my period it was negative and them I took it another week and a few days after came out positive . I used first response and clear blue digital I like both test.
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