It's all in your hands lord...please look over us until he's finally here...and bless his soul with a normal life even if it takes mine...I promise to look over my children as their Guardian Angel...
@angel26 My estimated due date is June 25th, if he doesn't deside to come out sooner my cesarean will be scheduled for June 17. Im just worried my son will be born with some type of birth defect, being that I'm on seizure medications due to the cyst that was found in my brain...
Oh. I'm sorry. I hope he is just fine and I hope you get through perfectly.I will pray for everything to go well. Just relax and think positive thought.
We were due date buds(25th) I'll pray for you doll! This is my pregnancy after losing my 2day old newborn to a birth defect. I had alot of worries this time around. I'm sure your stressed, just trust all your ultrasounds were ok, and God will watch over you both
Thank you @Jaime77, @angel26, and @lae3, I really do appreciate it from the bottom of my's a little hard not to think about, when every 8hrs I'm stuffing my mouth with pills that can harm him...
I'll pray for you doll! This is my pregnancy after losing my 2day old newborn to a birth defect. I had alot of worries this time around. I'm sure your stressed, just trust all your ultrasounds were ok, and God will watch over you both
Thank you @Jaime77, @angel26, and @lae3, I really do appreciate it from the bottom of my's a little hard not to think about, when every 8hrs I'm stuffing my mouth with pills that can harm him...