I Had mirena for a year after my second child was born. It didn't hurt getting put in or taken out. I did not like it because I had awful cramps with it in even when I wasn't on my period. I also continued to get a period... 2 weeks on 2 weeks off my period..had it not been for those two issues I would have liked it.
I had Mirena for 3 years. It hurt like hell after they put it in.... Like 3 weeks of the worst menstrual cramps, then it was fabulous! After the first couple months of normal periods I didn't have any at all for 2 1/2 years!! Got it out and was pregnant in a week. Some Dr's will give you something for the discomfort (our so I've heard - my Dr didn't, but I wish he would've!)
I had it for about a yr n a half and I plan on using it again, I loved it, I had no periods and zero side effects, it was the best bc I've ever had and ive pretty much tried them all. I'm going to warn you though, it hurt so bad when they put it in and then cramping like contractions afterwards, but 2 days later it was fine and never hurt, it didn't hurt taking it out. If you get it (i def recommend it!) Just take a strong pain killer an hr before you go in.
I hated that shit. U can't pay me to get it again. I spotted a lot period lasted longer hubby felt it (every time) gave me a funny smell after sex n then I was having some kind of spasms with it
My sister got it last year they went to do her yearly pap smear the other day and can't find it they now have to do an ultrasound to find it the doctor dug around for it and still couldn't find it they said it possibly perforated into her uterus which could cause her to not be able to have anymore kids and other problems, she will need surgery now. she knew it was one of the risk, that scares me.
@mommy2be777 ur absolutely right, everyones different, and that sucks that it happened to her! That is a risk but its rare, if ppl knew all the different risks involved with all birth controls out there, there would be much less women on bc because it would scare a lot of them away. I wonder though, did she check it once a month to make sure she could still feel the strings? You are suppossed to check it around the time you would normally get your period each month, I used to check while I was in the shower, felt the strings n then was done 2 seconds later...its important that way if by any chance it does move you find out quickly instead of months or a yr later....
@tiff87124 the copper one is different then mirena, mirena iud's are plastic and last 5yrs, the copper one is an older iud thats been around alot longer and lasts for 10yrs (?) I believe. Personally I wouldn't want copper inside of me, after all it is a metal...
My personal experience was not so good with the mirena first I start whit headaches, vomit , half of my face paralized and a surgury why ?secondary effects that the Dr never talk about it and its no even in the book of information.. I called the company and they send me a 100 secondary effects that don't appear on the information books and mirena is not to not get pregnant you actually get preggo but the fetus doesnot stock in the uterus wall you could get pregnant no so good experience but everyone is different you never now!
I'm on ortho micronor right now and not to fond of it but now I'm reading some of these comments and I don't like it lol. My mid wife says they put a lot in but I don't want those nasty side effects
I wonder though, did she check it once a month to make sure she could still feel the strings? You are suppossed to check it around the time you would normally get your period each month, I used to check while I was in the shower, felt the strings n then was done 2 seconds later...its important that way if by any chance it does move you find out quickly instead of months or a yr later....