Sleeping on stomach!??

edited June 2011 in Pregnant I know this has probably been posted before, but I'm 5 months pregnant and I just can't find any other way to sleep then on my stomach, on top of that I was just reading something that says that we can't sleep on our backs either because apparently it restricts blood flow to the baby !!! wth..i keep switching from side to side but my arms keep falling asleep :( ...then I wake up on my stomach and when I get up my stomach feels sore, doesn't really hurt just kind of sore...what to do what to do?? I bet the cave people got to sleep however the hell they wanted !!


  • Im 38 weeks and I sleep on my stomach still. With a pillow under my one leg
  • I am 27 weeks and I sleep on my tummy all the time.....
  • Ok now I don't feel so bad lol..its just getting annoying cuz bd keeps buggin me about sleeping on my tummy too..i know there's alot of water in there I just don't wanna squish baby !
  • i'm 17 week and i don't sleep on my stomach, but i always lay on my stomach and go on my laptop or read. idk what i'm gonna do when it starts to get uncomfortable :/
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