is it normal.....??????

I'm 29 weeks and when I got a Ultrasound last week my baby weighed around 2pds 8oz....but the doctor called and wants to send me to a specialist because she says she wants to make sure the baby is gaining enough weight because I'm losing weight but everything I've looked up about it she is the right size for how far along I am....I'm worried!!!


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  • I had my 29 week ultrasound last Wednesday and my baby girl weighed 2lbs 11oz so I would say don't worry about it u will be fine and baby is right on track!! My doctor said she is perfect size not too big and not too little
  • @mommaof3inMI that's good to know I wonder y she's so concerned then.
  • I've been losing weight my entire pregnancy and my Dr said if I don't gain any weight by my next appt then she's gonna put me in nutritional supplements. Baby looks 100% fine but she's just concerned about weight gain. What type of specialist does she want u to go to? Nutritional?
  • I don't know she just said a specialist. And she didn't want me to go to one until I had my Ultrasound and she seen that. The baby was only in the 8th percentile maybe that's y.
  • Ummm.. hunny why is she saying the baby is only I'm the eighth percentile? my little girl is just about the same size as ur baby and we are just about the same time in our pregnancy and my doctor said my oil girl ie in the 50th percentile
  • @mommaof3inMI that what thr ultrasound tech said. I dont know. Im not too worried about it I know she is growing.
  • @redhead25 the specislist is a fetal and maternal medicine specialist
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