I had an ultrasound today and was told that I have complete placenta previa. Since the ultrasound took so long I didn't get see the doctor so all I know is there is a chance I will have to have a c/s. Dose it make me high risk? And really what is it
Placenta previa is where the placenta isn't attached at the correct place. If I remember correctly, the placenta actually lies over the cervix. This could be pretty high risk, but I am not 100% positive. Best thing to do is ask your DR. Good luck.
The placenta is covering the cervix. Often women go on pelvic/bed rest for this. Sometimes it self corrects as the uterus grows. If not, a c/s is required.
it does not make you high risk automatically. basically it means that instead of your placenta sitting on the side of your uterus is "completely" sitting in front of your cervix. so if the placenta does not move then you will most def. need a c/s. although it can move at any time. with my first i had complete placenta previa. i had my u.s. at 34 wks, 35, and 36 wks. i had heard that it helps to do a lot of "cat/cow" movements so i did those a few times throughout the day everyday. the doctor decided to do ONE more u.s. to determine my c/s. my last ultra sound at 37 wks 2 days showed it had moved completely!!!! 5 days later she was born- all natural. oh, and i am assuming your doctor will discuss it with you at an appointment, but we had to abstain from sex or anything entering the vagina until it moved/ or...until. so we had a looooong pregnancy
I was spost to see the doctor today but since the ultrasound took almost 2 hours I was an hour late for the doctor appointment and she couldn't get me in so I go back Thursday. I'm sure we will go over it then but just worrying till then . @survivormommie3 what's cat/cow? I was hoping to do a natural birth. I think I might die with out sex lol we are at lest once a day type people
cat/ cow.... you get on your knees and hands and arch your back up to the sky= cat. then after holding that position about 2-3 seconds roll your back to make it arch towards the floor= cow. i don't know if it ever had an impact but i tell you i was so dag on grateful to learn that i could go natural. i was not ok with having a c/s. yea. and then the additional 6 wks after the birth to wait. ugh. it was not cool!
Well I already do the cat / cow sometimes for when my back hurts. Makes me feel better that I'm not high risk yet, more like a moderate risk lol. I'll try to think on the good side I get more ultrasounds so get to see my baby boy grow
with my first i had complete placenta previa. i had my u.s. at 34 wks, 35, and 36 wks. i had heard that it helps to do a lot of "cat/cow" movements so i did those a few times throughout the day everyday. the doctor decided to do ONE more u.s. to determine my c/s. my last ultra sound at 37 wks 2 days showed it had moved completely!!!! 5 days later she was born- all natural.
oh, and i am assuming your doctor will discuss it with you at an appointment, but we had to abstain from sex or anything entering the vagina until it moved/ or...until. so we had a looooong pregnancy
@survivormommie3 what's cat/cow? I was hoping to do a natural birth. I think I might die with out sex lol we are at lest once a day type people
yea. and then the additional 6 wks after the birth to wait. ugh. it was not cool!