HELP! I need advice!

edited February 2011 in Pregnancy symptoms
Ok. My last period was December 5th. I have had many pregnancy symptoms such as tender breasts, light headed, fatigue. I have also been gaining weight but not showing a baby bump. And I haven't been vomiting but I have been really queezy these past few weeks. But, I have taken two at home pregnancy tests and they both came out negative and I have been to the local health department and taken a pregnancy test where they tested my urine but it came out negative. I still haven't had my period yet. Can anyone give me some advice?


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  • My last period was December 10 th and I got negative tests up until about two weeks ago and then I took one with my first morning pee and it came up positive! By the way urine tests are more accurate than blood tests.
  • For taking at home tests, try to make sure its on ur first pee of the day-suppose to b more aaccurate. If u still come up negative keep going to the doc to b sure...wouldn't wanna end up as a "I didn't know I was pregnant" lady! Lol. Wish u the best of luck
  • Thanks! You guys are awesome!
  • My mother n laws urine never showed a pos preg test. She had 4 kids. The blood test is the only one that worked for her. Good luck.
  • I've heard other women say that they can't get a pos on a hpt. I agree...get blood test :) and good luck!!
  • Thanks! I have a feeling I am and others seem to think the same thing. I have even had people I don't even know tell me I am "glowing" and my friends mother said she can tell I'm prego bc of my skin color
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