Changing doctors at 26w! *UPDATE*

edited June 2011 in Pregnant
I've had a bad experience w my dr and have considered changing drs since 15 weeks, but didn't because I didn't want the hassle, but now I'm not even comfortable going back to him at all and don't want him delivering my baby. Anyone else go thru switching so close to the end?

*I called the new dr today and because I am 26 weeks, he has to approve seeing there is a chance he might not :( I have to fax my records over to his office today and if he turns me down, I'm screwed! I can't really go back to a doctor who I'm basically saying eff you to, can I? I don't want to. He's rude and insensitive!


  • I switched at 25 weeks but it was because I moved out of town. Just have your records transferred & you'll be fine. I'm glad I switched!! Good luck!
  • Thanks @wendylouwhoo! I found a good one, just praying he has openings for new patients.
  • I was just relieved not to have to do some of the testing over just because I switched.
  • I switched not at the end but at 17 weeks because I was seeing a different doctor everytime I wanted a private one who can deliver me in a private room so I switched and I love my doctor I see my u/s on a big screen plasma and the nurses kniow me and I feel at home....if u r not feeling comfortable switch it's ur baby ur body and ur right
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