I was 3cm for a week but really thick. Found out yesterday I'm 4 and 80%. I have had no contractions and walked for 4 hours today. Happen to anyone else and how long did it take?
I wish I was at the hospital to push! @soontobmomof2umder2 I even walked for a total of like 3 hours today. But I wonder if its too soon. 8 days? Wow ill bet that will be me, too. Just my luck! @Baby4injuly this is my first baby.
I was that way for my 3rd. It was frustrating! The good news is my labor was only an hour! So maybe all of this prep will help expedite your labor too Good luck, I hope it happens soon for you.
Im 3cm and compleatly thined out my doc just said it coulb be any time this week im 36 weeks 2 days but ive been getting contractions but not close enough i hope walking works for you cuz it seems to be working for me n im not even trying lol
Holy $hit! Wish I was 4cm dialated! I'm 37 weeks tomorrow and nothing..my luck she'll be late good luck though! I'm having like maybe 6 contractions an hour on and off so their still irregular
@calebsmommie Omg wat did u do at my last appt I was thin but not dilated...I'm 35wks and I've been doin sum wlkn but not to much I jus dnt wnt a hard labor
36 wks is to soon if ur date is accurate then ur baby only weighs about 5 or 6lbs I gave birth at 36 wks with my last and he weighed 5lbs ...its best to jus rest stay off ur feet ....
@heatherlynn no she had not dropped all the way yesterday but I feel so much more pressure, but since this is my first I still don't know what I'm feeling if they r contractions or really what it is dr always asks having any contraction? I'm always honestly I don't know cause I know when I hurt but not sure I'm hoping by Friday she will be dropped and ready to come cause I'm due that day
Just had a contraction! So far everything has measured that my dd is correct. But I hope he stays in there a few more days! I want him to be a cancer like his momma!
@ahuyser my Lil man is in the exact same spot! Plus he's really low as well. Is there a way to get them to move? I really don't wanna c-section, but my Dr is already talking about it and I still have 8wks to go.
@lilloulou yeah its the same for me! Looootts of pressure! And after intercourse today, I was having terrible pressure/pain ranging from one every two min to every ten min..but then it stopped. I try not to over react about pain...so i suck it up cuz I'm not sure haha
@adensmommy0803 I've heard so many weird and crazy things like get on all fours when its a full moon, handstands in a swimming pool!! Lol I believe the doctor can turn your babe, but its kinda painful!!
8 days? Wow ill bet that will be me, too. Just my luck! @Baby4injuly this is my first baby.
My Dr says she's still high.