preggo with second and looking for a job :(

edited January 2011 in September 2011
I just finished school and need to look for a job... Help! What should I do?? I feel like crying and hiding till Sept.... I wish :-S


  • I can't find a job either, I'm gunna work fast food for now.
  • I'm in the same boat. I'm showing now so as soon as I get a rare interview they realize and I never get a call back. I would get a job while you can.
  • O feel u all,,,, I had a job for 2 years then in december I fell on ice and broke my tailbone I was prego to,,, well I got fired an the said they would rehire me after I was better but now im 15 weeks an huge an they wont hire me back so im stuck with out a job
  • Family dollar is always hiring ladies
  • Me too, me too! Got a college degree and just want to be a parapro, or an Art Teacher, no luck, life is stressful, wish I could get lucky before I start showing!!
  • Same here!! Good luck to us all! Xoxo
  • I am going through the same thing... I get plenty of interviews but nothing ever comes of them... ugh... I am sooo bored sitting at home! Goodluck to everyone and I hope we all find jobs!!
  • Im in the same boat i have so many interviews and nothing my profesion is working with dr no dr want to hire me im already 15weeks im scared this one os my #3 i need a job i dont know want should i do my husband dont grt enogh in his job
  • Wow.. I hope we all find a job eventually... I'm a graduate RN and waiting to take my boards, I just hope I find something before I show and how/when do I tell if I do get a job?
  • When I worked I got rehired at a bank I knew couple days a head of time I was pregnant but I didn't say anything till I was in my second trimester and less chance for a miscarriage
  • Hi ladies...not sure what states ya'll live in but try working from home on the computer.. go to or they both are legit jobs from home. I have 2 children already and loud barking dogs so my house is never quiet for me to apply but have several friennds that have been working from home for years and love it..worth a try. :) good luck
  • P.s I also sell Avon on the side which isn't a strike rich gimmic but helps pay some bills each month... :)
  • Hi me 2 just finished school and nobody hires me im 22 wks so just decided to look 4 a job after giving birth @baby3ontheway thanks im gonna try those websides
  • avon is a great way to earn money. I used to sell it but ended up spending all of my profits on their products. Avon, home interiors, sex toy comanies, pampered chef, partylite candles, and tons of other places along those lines usually are always looking for new people. Good luck to all of u ladies with ur job searches and with ur pregnancies.
  • edited January 2011
    Mrslamaster that's was super illigal for them to do, they could get shut down for firing you like that, you can't get fired for a medical reason, its illigal.
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