pain when being active?

edited June 2011 in Pregnant
So, ive noticed that whenever im active at work, my stomach would get tight. It goes away when i it down, so i just figured lil contractions no biggie. But lately, within the last week or so, when i start bein active i get sharp pains in my stomach and back pain. Last night, me and the bf went for a walk (since its nice now were tryin to walk everyday) and i got such sharp pain in my stomach i was like doubled over.. do you ladies think these are braxton hicks or should i worry?


  • Do you drink a lot of water?
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  • The same thing for me...I'm a cashier soo some days I'm on my feet six hours a day and my belly would get real tight but not pain really
  • I started having pains earlier just from walking
  • My tummy gets hard and painful on one side when I walk now.
  • I get this too when I'm walking (which I do as a daily part of my job) and anything active..happened the worst during sex. Its a terrible feeling. Mine stops when I stop moving but starts almost immediately after I start again. I've wondered what it is but was told by a resident that it sounded like round ligament pain..? I thought it was braxton hicks as well..
  • I have had this too. My doc said it was the round ligament that is causing the pain. She also said it is best to sit and rest and take it slow when moving again. I try to do daily walks and took a break for a while. I'm walking again and the pain is back. This started at about 18 weeks and I'm 28 weeks now. It hasn't gone away. I just walk slower or sit for a little.
  • Well at least im not alone!! Haha im 35 weeks so i didnt think ligament pain wasstill an option, but it makes sense cuz hes growing a lot right now!! Its so weird, as soon as i stop walkinh it stops, i start and there it is! Just one of the joys of pregnancy i guess!
  • Yea its crazy that walking causes this! @Kay_la_la and it sucks cuz I do door to door sales.. talk about difficult!
  • Where is the pain? It could be muscles being stretched? I had pain from my belly button to my vj and my midwife says its just the muscles being strained.
  • @lilpeapod913 omgg i dunno how id manage! Lol ive been trying ymto walk a little at nihht cuz it helps with labor but its lk impossible! Lol
    @steeny its like off to the right side of my baby bump! :/ pain is in us pregs daily vocab lol
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