QUESTIONS about this whole Strep B thing....

edited June 2011 in Pregnant
So at my next appointment I will be 34 weeks and I'm just wondering when do they normally check u for Strep B? Also last year I tested positive for strep B so once you have it do you always have it?? Also. :) I have heard of women who test positive with it after there 1st baby that their doctor has induced them at 38 weeks to avoid possible infection to baby. Any help on these questions would be appreciated!


  • They can give you a medicine when you deliver just to make sure baby does not get it. I got it when I was born from my mom it was not good. So I would get the medicine just incase. My sister in law got the medicine through an iv when she went in to be induced.
  • The docs usually test @ your 36wk appt... u don't have to b induced but once u believe labor is starting u should go in asap so they can start the antibiotics which is about a 4hr period
  • They do it around 36 weeks. I'm 34 and was just had an appt yesterday and my Dr told me next appt I'll be getting the test for it.
  • Thanks everyone! Just wondering since I had it last year if I still will or if it can go away.
  • Thanks everyone! Just wondering since I had it last year if I still will or if it can go away.
  • I tested positive at my 12 week appt and at 35 week appt it came bac negative..but they gonna give antibiotic regardless if u have it or not either way ur gonna b fine.
  • for me they checked at my 35 week appointment cuz i was in L&D with 8 min apart contractions and they wanted to get the results soon incase we ended up delivering before the 36 week one
  • You aren't guaranteed to test positive this time. With my first I tested positive but with my second I didn't have it but I had strep throat and tested negative for regular strep throat but positive for strep b.....I was surprised to have it in my throat. You will get meds at birth so you and baby will be fine
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