brazilian wax !

edited June 2011 in Pregnant
Have any of you ladies got a Brazilian wax during pregnancy ? Does it hurt twice as much ? I'm due in July and I just want to be "clean" down there lol :p


  • I can't see mines anymore but I was able to shave it. I would like to start waxing but Ouch the pain!
  • I used to get waxed and ouch it
  • There is no way in hell I can handle a Brazilian Wax. I'll stick to shaving until I give birth. I figure if I can do that, I can do anything!
  • I can't see over my belly anymore lol so I tried squating but its so complicated for me lol
  • I wax my whole body and its not anymore "painful" than prior.

    I think my disgust with body hair makes the pain ok. Lol
  • im going to get my brazilian today! i just got out the shower to be squeaky clean for the chinese lady lol itll hurt a lil but it's worth it
  • try the NAIR body hair removal lotion. i was shocked it worked it worked completely! I am so happy!
  • I got one when I was like 12wks and it hurt but it wasnt too horrible. I would laugh when she ripped the strips lol but I got some bumps so I havent gone bak yet but I will
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