getting induced Sunday night!!!!

Im due Thursday but I have yet begin to dialate.... I have been giving a day to be induced which is Sunday an I'm so excited!!! Ima be a momie next week:) wut should I look forward to when getting induced????


  • Good Luck!!! I wish I was there! lol Still a few weeks to go for me! Im a first time mommy so I cant give you any advice on induction but good luck on it :)
  • Aww thanks... this my first also an I've had a long journey... gotta say its worth it though
  • @soon2bemomofdj sleep as much as you can at first and if on pitocin they probably wont let u out of bed so bring books or something to do good luck!
  • Relax your body as much as possible during every contraction hun! Since you're going at night, im guessing they will start cervidil then pitocin in the morning. Cervidil helps ripen your cervix. I was induced with both of my girls, one is 16 months old and the other one is 5 days old. I was able to walk around the whole time, even with my water broke until I received my epidural. I walked around for hours just had to push my iv thing around with me and wear a big pad so my water didn't leak all over the floor :) like I said relax as much as you can hun and stay positive! Good luck and congrats!
  • Thank u guys so much for the response ... I feel much better about it now... I hope I'm able to walk around too!!! Im good at taking pain just don't want any complications
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