due 25th

edited February 2011 in October 2011
Hi! I'm due 25th October anyone else due around the same time? this is my first so really excited been trying for 2months and finally am pregnant. :D


  • Depending on the results of my test my edd should b the 25 am waiting to take test af is due on thursday
  • Was due yesterday, took test then. Came back possitive. Really happy and excited.
    @classy Congrates
    @girlsx3_anyboys good luck
  • Im due on the 25th (: & this is also my first im verry excited as well I wish my babysdad was here for me but since hed rather be with his friends getting high a good friend of mine is taking his place (:
  • Im due the 26th :)
  • Im due the 25th & I just started working things out with by best friend/babydaddy (: & so far so greaaat!
  • Haven't been in in months, but my dd has changed, I'm now due 23rd October and having a baby boy, Elliot James :D
  • Aw congrats! Was wondering why i hadnt seen u post...:)
  • I am due the 25th. With a baby boy
  • Lol, alot of stuff happened and I didn't have time to come on then I got a new phone and moved and couldn't get on here but now I am settled again I am back :D
  • Im due Oct 30th, don't know what I'm having yet, might keep it a surprise!
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