smells...whichs ones turn your tummy?

edited January 2011 in Pregnant
Right now I'm smelling spagetti and its the worst one in this house cooked spagetti and its making me sick and


  • Everything smells so different! I made hot dogs for my 8 yr old for dinner and they smelled like wet dog. :( so gross! I always loved hot dogs! Wahhhh!! Lol
  • Lol every smell is so intense now... Gum on the breath turns my stomach inside out. I literally killed my boyfriend today. He was chewing gum so I nudge him in the back he almost choked to death..
  • Yea my mom mad them yesterday it was so bad I went to my sister house....and when I'm in school I smell soy sauce and it irratates me
  • This one is weird, frozen dinners or frozen meat.
  • Haha gross. Gaging as we speak!! Even the slightest smell is exaggerated. That's one of the reasons I suspected I was prego. That and the overwhelming urge to bawl my eyes out constantly for no reason!!
  • edited January 2011
    The smell of burritos make me sick.
  • Haaaahahhaha me too but the smell of cooking chicken make me so sick
  • Bleach, gas - for cars, fast food, and if I'm cooking
  • Let's see... Jack in the Box fries, cooking meat, and my toothepaste lol.
  • I dont know if u guys no this food place called "five guys" they sell burgers. But everytime I'm at work I smell there ketchup lol which is very weird cuz I never knew that it had a smell
  • The smell of smoke, candle smoke, grill smoke, gas smoke, eligal smoke,,, they make me barf,, makes my belly hurt, its bad, cus I live in the city an all of that is everywere,,, gross, only thing I do like the smell of is stuff,, if its not that watch out,,
  • Meat. Any and all meat. Cooking is awful cuz my family are meat eaters. And my husband is asian and puts tons of garlic in his food. Normally I like garlic ok. But not now and he smelled so bad I wouldn't kiss him or let him near me for a good three days till it wore off!
  • Pretty much right after Im done eating something I instantly can't stand the smell of it anymore and can't eat it again for like a week. I have so many left overs in the fridge that I thought were yummy at the time but just can't finish now.

    Oh and I work as a nurse assistant at a hospital and have to clean people up and I can tell some time during this pregnancy I'm going to end up throwing up at work.
  • Eggs I just get sick lol
  • Puppy breath, which is a big deal since I foster puppies/dogs for a rescue. I always liked puppy breath before being pregnant :(
  • almost every smell but mainly boiled eggs, I cant even eat them anymore
  • I hate the smell of downy. And the way laundrymats smell when I walk past. Its sad cuz Friday is laundry day nd I don't let anyone clean my clothes. Smh.
  • Bad breath, stale smoke, fast food, seafood. :0&
  • My daughters poo poo diapers KILL me and I can smell it a mile away and for some reason honey mustard makes me gag...the smell of it and my oldest eats it on EVERYTHING!
  • Lemon smells
  • My husbands belches...especially after he chugs an energy drink. Can't eat hot dogs or stand the smell....and my kids love hot dogs, uh even talking about them.
  • Well I have a puppy and all of a sudden his breath makes me want to puke....oh and anything lemon smells...and sometimes when I turn the heat on in my car it makes me wanna puke
  • Tide with odd
  • Today I smelled veggie chips almost threw up even when I think about what they smell like.
  • Im a bagger at the grocery store I work at and the deli makes like fresh ribs, but cold, and they put fresh bbq sauce on them... the smell is sooooo strong I hate bagging them! Haha I hold my breath everytime they come down the belt.
  • The smell of cinnamon buns...I like the smell of natural cinnamon like the stick? ?? Weird. I HATE smelling cooked broccoli omg I can hurt someone I hate it! The smell of sleeping breath. When babysdad comes n sleeps he drools I FN hate the smell. Oh n baking cake in oven kills me! I love scented candles tho! All of em (:
  • The smell of nachos and Italian dressing...ewwww just the thought of it makes me sick!
  • edited January 2011
    Car air freshner grossss!!! Anything tht smells nice irrates my nose gives me headache turns ma tummy
  • in ma first pregnancy i couldnt stand anything italian i could smell the garlic plus garlic bread ewww!!!
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