af is one day late............

And tested this morning and got a bfn =(( I guess what ny husband and I saw on the stick the other day was an evaporation line. Im so crushed. I wish it wasn't this hard for us. Have to wait one to two weeks to start meds to bring on Af. Uuuuggghhhhhh.......I just wanted to be pregnant faster than this.


  • Was it the same brand from the other day?
  • No. The brand the other day was the target brand blue dye. The test this morning was the digital pregnant/not pregnant. I dont think I peed enough on it this morning (sry if tmi)
  • I think im going to wait a few more days and retest. I have a hard time being patient
  • Thank you @praying4our3rd. We are wanting a third as well
  • :( I'm sorry you didn't get the 'pregnant' this morning. I agree, though - wait a couple and retest, it could still be early! Or... if you really think you didn't pee enough, wait at least 4 hours and take another this afternoon... and make sure you pee enough! ;) I'm still pulling for you this month! Baby dust!
  • The sad thing is that having pcos I don't have periods on my own without meds so even though Af is one sys late Idk if or when it would normally start......hard to test that way. I could have o'd late too. So confusing.
  • Digital ones aren't very sensitive.. so would be better gettin same brand as before! Good luck x
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