help plz

edited June 2011 in Trying to conceive
Hey Lady's on May 11 i had a miscarraige i was 17 weeks pregnant, i got to see my baby befor they took him away, i say him becuz yes it was a boy. This is what ive been wanting to no tho, 2 weeks after my miscarraige i stopped bleeding n i started having sex again my body was back to normal until 3 days ago i started feeling dizzy, more hungry but only at night, been having leg cramps n my lower back started hurting again, i want to no if i could be pregnant so quickly??? I would appreciate it if sum1 could help me out in sum way.


  • I miscarried in January and got pregnant again in April. I know it is a lot longer time frame, but It was still pretty quick. Good luck.
  • If you started having sex about 3 weeks ago, it would be pretty soon to be having symptoms if you're pregnant, but you certainly could be! Sorry for your loss. :( That's so hard. And it's so frustrating waiting for our bodies to get back to normal. Good luck!
  • Oh thats good to know cuz i was going crazy jst thinking about this whole situation, so should i take a pregnany test right now or should i wait a lil longer???
  • Wait a little and take a test to see what happens. Good luck and sorry about your little boy. Do you want to get pregnant again?
  • Yes ive been trying to get pregnant for the longest but every pregnancy has turned into a miscarraige, the doctor said that next time i get pregnant he is going to stitch me up at 14 weeks of pregnancy to keep the baby in place so i can carry it thru my whole pregnancy
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