hmm. kick or pulse..

edited June 2011 in Second Trimester
I'm 18 weeks and have been feeling baby fluttering around since week 14. But today while laying down it seemed like baby was kicking or maybe jumping.. I could feel it on outside too. It could have been my pulse though it didn't match my heartbeat. Can't wait to feel w/e it was again though :) I'm looking on the bright side :X


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  • I just started feeling what I swear HAS to be my baby's pulse... but I'm 32 1/2wks... ?
  • See I thought that. I felt em maybe 10 times. At my last u.s baby kept jumping and hubby says bean bean probably had the hiccups. The movement I was feeling earlier was about the length of a normal hickups. Do babies inside hickup at a normal pace like we do?
  • edited June 2011
    @vette_devil oh when I said pulse I meant my pulse

    Forgot to tag you @firsttimemommytobe
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  • edited June 2011
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  • @firsttimemommytobe I don't think its my pulse since they were a few seconds apart.

    @lil_buggie_3 I swear there are 3 in there having a mortal combat fight! Like I mentioned I first felt flutters at 14 weeks. I'm a first time mommy and not bone skinny. So I beat the odds on feeling baby. Maybe b.c. all I pay attention to is my belly. Or I have a ninja inside me :X haha.
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  • @lil_buggie_3 everyone says its a girl. I get my gender ultrasound this sat but won't know til I bite into a cupcake one july 3rd. Ugh can't wait! I feel like I'm carrying low. Though when I think about it all babies at this stage are still right above the pelvic. So why do ppl say 'oh ur carrying high its a girl'. I don't get it.
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  • I know, it seems really weird... but I don't know what else it could be... she gets hiccups ALL the time & they aren't as fast but just as rythmic, and I can find my pulse in my neck or wrist when I feel hers & they don't match; again, mine is much slower. It only happens when she pushes her back out really far... hmmm...?
  • Does anyone know where u can go to have a 3d or a 4d scan at and know how much Do they cost
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  • Babies can have hiccups in the womb. Mine feels like popcorn in my belly lol. I've gotten used to being able to tell the hiccups and kicks though I can't always pin point which baby it is unless they both have it or do it at the same time.
  • @lil_buggie_3 well that's dumb for people to say now at 18 weeks oh ur carrying high. lol. I was always told high heartbeat and baby means girl. But I don't think there are any real studies showing it.

    @vette_devil It could be her heartbeat maybe. Or maybe she is using u as a punching bag. "left, right, left, right, kick!" haha

    @kayace24 what city do you live in or major city are you by? I can look it up for you if you want. I'm bored. In tx cheapest I found by me was $79 for just gender u/s and as high as $239 for 3d/4d and in Indiana back home I found low as $59 for gender u/s and $175 for 3d/4d
  • @deni_b I hope I can tell what is what in a few weeks. :)
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  • The heartbeat thing was right for me both times; both high heartbeats, both girls. :X
  • My babes heartbeat was 150 last time :X so my family says I'll have a girl

    @lil_buggie_3 @vette_devil
  • I live in the uk and was just woundering hw much a 3/4d scan was thats if any one know plz tell me thx
  • Soon its gonna feel like its doing flips
  • 1) this is my second and I know I've been feeling baby moving around since I was about 14w. But its prob because I know what to expect and on the u/s the baby was moving like crazy!
    2) with my daughter I carried high and she had a high heartbeat. This one is super low with a heartbeat around 130 so I'm thinking its a boy...I hope so! I want to be on the blue team this time around! :)
  • @bluemonkey125 I think I might feeling baby flipping. I'm now feeling pressure(not braxton hicks, those are more intense) for a spilt second then nothing. Its the damndest thing. Lol. I love it still.

    @babymommaof2 I thought I was having a girl. First hb was 159, then 154, then 145. Its a boy. I'm still happy though:D this is my first. I've always wanted a boy first then a girl 2nd.
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