ectopic pregnancy

edited June 2011 in Pregnant
Have anyone ever had an ectopic pregnancy ?


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  • I posted about this the other day. A women carried her baby til I think 28 wks or something close to that and her and the baby survived bc she refused to terminate it.
  • O really Da baby dnt suppose to survive
  • I have had two ectopics. Are you going through one now?
  • edited June 2011
    I was scared I had one when I first found out I was pregnant because the pain was unbearable. Just turned out I was having two and not one.
    @rachdb wow, that's amazing. I mean, a life is a life but what is it if you aren't there anymore? What if that mother did not survive?
    @cicelia that's really horrible sorry for your loss.
  • I had an ectopic pregnancy last year. Baby was in my left tube, I was 8 weeks along and it ruptured while I was at the dr filling out papers to have the baby surgically removed. I had a lot of internal bleeding I could've died, thank God I was at the dr office when it happened. I lost the baby of course, tubal babies don't survive, there's no room to grow. I also lost my left tube. But I am now almost 30 weeks pregnant with a healthy baby girl that I concieved with only 1 tube :)
  • so what are the symptoms of a ectopic pregnacy?
  • Cramping, pain on either lower left or right side, bleeding
  • I had one I got to 7 an half wks before I found out pain got unbearable from that mornin I found out till the same nite I got put n hospital an had my surgery the next day Luckly my tube was not damaged.
  • Wow. Im sorry mrz_jackson! At least you saved your tube!
  • @babynumbersix o thank u ! I no me to I'm on my 3rd baby now yayy! But it hurts everytime I get pregnant scares me to death!
  • My sil has had 4 ectopics, every time she concieved it was devastating. They were going to give up but they instead decided to remove both tubes, do ivf and now have 4month old boy/girl twins!!
  • Thats awesome @jaime77.
  • is the bleeding like af or lighter/heavier? do you actually get a + on a home preg test?
    Im so scared that this might be happening to me I researched and found that youre chances are higher if youve had appendicitis/ surgery which i had this year....

    @HomeBirthAdvocate im only thinking this way bc weve been ttc for 5mts(?) and nothing only to find that my af has changed a bit bc the last 3 months i had af visit me twice in one month so once every 2 weeks the first week would b a normal af then the 2nd week she came it would be more like spotting? this last month though ive had sensitive boobs n lower cramping af is due today and i tested yesterday - :( so i dunno what to think and im kinda venting now.............i know i should prolly schedule a drs visit just trying to shed some light on my situation....
  • I had spotting then really nasty lookin blood clots an lookd like tissue peices
  • @deni_b very true but u guess she didn't care. It was on the news. Instead of the tube rupturing it stretched and everything turned out fine. She just had him a bit early
  • I got a faint positive, drs office got a negative but I made them do a blood test which came out positive but my hcg levels weren't rising like they were supposed to, they were too low. My bleeding was light at first then got kinda heavy like a period. Are you in pain? @mamato2boys
  • Yess! I had the bast blood clots too..but no tissue @mrz_jackson2anpreggo
  • @lily_glz the hospital described it as liver looking peices. Ugh!
  • @lily_glz not alot of pain just happens here n there but not for too long and no blood clots just lighter af
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  • thank you girls definently put my mind at ease!!
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