
edited June 2011 in Pregnant
Im 39 wks 4 days and i randomly have a discharge like a white yellowish? Is this normal? I forgot to tell the dr when i saw her. .


  • I just talked to my doctor about that last visit she said its totally normal and if its to bothersom to use panty liners so ur not alone n its normal :)
  • Ok thanksss, yea i waslike nervous it was amontic fluid or something
  • Nope its normal just annoying lol it drives me nuts! N it grosses my fiance out lol
  • I had some amniotic fluid come out, it was pink though but sometimes the babies push some out I guess. I think I just had too much in there lol. It was when I was 17 weeks though and hasn't happened since.
  • Haha yea my boyfriends grossed out too
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