Down syndrome test

edited January 2011 in Pregnant
As anyone done this test??? Last month i got it and im nervous i think they saw something with me or ir it just reg. To get the test? Well im in 4 the results today hope everything is fine :)


  • are you older? I only know of ppl who are older than 40 getting the test as a normality....
  • No im 24 theres 6 pregnant ladies at work and 3 of us got it thats why im confuse
  • I'm 25 my Dr suggested the test to me too but I'm not far enough to do it yet. She said they are just suggesting everyone do it since the technology is new and a lot more accurate than years ago.
  • And I mean the sonogram, not the amniocentisis.
  • Everything was ok thank god :)
  • So happy everything turned out for you! My two year old has downs and we never had the testing done. Now I am pregnant with our third and I am game for any test they throw my way. I am cured of the "not me" syndrome...don't misunderstand I love love love my daughter!
  • I think that its a test that they ask of you want not mandatory or anything just depends on the dr
  • When i went for my first scan the woman asked if i was having it done think she might of saw something but didn't tell me but i am not having it done because you will always love your kids no matter what x
  • I'm 18 and my doc asked me if I wanted it , they just ask you because they have to ask you just incase you did want it,
  • I'm not going to lie the amino test is painful but worth it. My results cme back neg, but I still feel the test was worth it
  • My came out positive for ds so we did the amnio and nothing was wrong I will not take the test with this pregnancy I will love whatever we have
  • How does this test work? Blood work or what?
  • I am curious as to how this test works too. I will love whatever the baby is, but I am wondering if I should have the test done anyway?
  • They do a few different tests. There is the CVS test that they do around 13 weeks...similar to an amnio but faster results. There is a nuchal test which is an ultrasound and measures the skin on the nape of the baby's neck. Then of course the amnio at 18 or so weeks. I am by no means in the medical field I am just a mom of a ds toddler and we have gone thru every screening and test known to common medicine so far
  • Thanx Meg
  • Some of the testing they offer carries a small risk of miscarriage. They can also be expensive so check with your health ins. co. to avoid a large surprise bill ;-)
  • Well I'm 23 and I got it done ny doctor just does it. I hope everything goes well
  • It used to be reccommended to women 35+ or fam hx of genetic disorders. I am preg w/ my #2 and it is my understanding it is now offered to everyone. Since I was 35 with #1 they did blood work and ultra sound and told me they do further testing if needed. I go next week for #2 and hopefully all goes well.
  • Thnx ladies, I was curious about those tests actually, and going to first check up 2morrow!!
  • I'm 22 and I had the test done today. Its pretty simple they took blood from my arm and I have to store my urine for 24 hrs on ice.
  • 28 and our drs really pushed it. The ultra sound tech was very clear it was an option and our choice. We did it not because we wanted the results but because I wanted the ultra sound that they would not do otherwise. And insurance paid for it. All we had was the ultra sound and blood work followed by more blood work a few wks later. To get the initial results, they were neg so that is all we did with it and we got ultra sound pictures!
  • I got it.done but just so I could see the baby really everything was good, I didn't do it with my 2 boys but I'm not having any more after this 1 so I wanted to take the opportunity to see baby growth at all stages that I could :) I've has 5 ultra sounds this time lol
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