im addicted to ultrasounds!

edited June 2011 in Pregnant
I have another ultrasound in a few days and I can't wait, its all I can think about! This will be my 7th ultrasound since we found out. And eachone is better than the last! I can't wait, I'm losing sleep over it lol.


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  • Its amazing. And she's such a goof when she's on camera. I wanna know how many more ill be getting. I'm anxious for this next one
  • How far along are you? I can never sleep before an ultrasound I'm 20 weeks and have had 3 and the doctor told me I will most likely have at lest one a month from now on
  • edited June 2011
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  • How many weeks were you when you got the 3d ultrasound?? @FirstTimeMommyToBe
  • I'm 26 weeks and I've had 6 already. This will b my 7th. I love all the ultrasounds. I've had 2 3ds a the rest 2d. I'm not picky as long as I get to see my little girl. Ya the last one which was 3 weeks ago she was playing with her feet, so cute!
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  • You know I'm kinda jealous =; . My boy only lies there. He might kick here and there, but he doesn't do anything spectacular. Both of my girls were clowns. My youngest daughter was moving her mouth like she was talking and sure enough she's a talker now. My oldest was sucking her thumb, but this lazy lima bean won't do anything until the ultrasound session is over. Then he starts rolling and kicking like crazy.
  • Lol mine did that forthe anatomy us. Just layed there and wouldn't move but as soonas I got in the car she's wild. Little brat
  • @jazzi89 my last ultrasound he layed on his belly the whole time with his head on his hand sleep after I drank all that juice before I went!!!! L-) I did get a good glimpse of his face though.
  • Ya I drank lots of orange juice and ate a poptart before and still nothing. She wasn't very cooperative at all
  • Ur all lucky. I'm 23 weeks & have only had 1 u/s which was the anatomy/fetal growth one @ 19 wks... I wish I had more!
  • I just love my us 2...except my last one the tech was bashing me with the instrument she kept hitting my hip bones and digging in it hurt so bad I had to take some tylenol after...but it was worth the pain cause i got to see her open and close her mouth like she was saying mama :X
  • Aww that's cute. Ya my anatomy one was a little rough too. Just because ayva wasn't cooperating at all
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