So, This Is What It's Come To... (Long, Sorry) **UPDATED AS OF 6/16**
Tomorrow, my fiance' and I are going on a hunt for a food bank/church that will give us food. Sounds just wonderful, right? I can't believe I'm even having to consider doing this. Just last November, my fiance' had a well-paying job, we were doing perfectly fine, and planning our family. BOOM! 2 weeks before we found out we were expecting, he got laid off. He started working at Best Buy not even a week after that, but Best Buy didn't come near to what he was making before. We managed, though. Cut out all of our unnessesary bills, and moved in with his parents so we didn't have to pay rent until we could manage to get on our feet again. Then, we decided to move with my parents, because there's more jobs around here than there were around his parents, so he put in a transfer with the Best Buy he originally worked for to the store here. EVERYTHING WAS GOOD TO GO! WE CHECKED, DOUBLE CHECKED, AND TRIPLE CHECKED THAT HE WOULD BE SET TO WORK WHEN WE GOT HERE! Ha! My fiance' has been calling them for over a month, and is JUST learning that the store manager that okayed the transfer isn't even employed there anymore! After a week of nothing from Best Buy, he was out the house at 9am every morning Monday- Friday applying EVERYWHERE! Now, he has 2 jobs lined up, we're just waiting on his backround checks to come through. It's good news, BUT we're out of money, and my mom will only help so much. I do get WIC, and we applyed for food stamps, but since the whole thing with employment at Best Buy, we've yet to be approved or denyed (they have until the 16th of this month until their 30 days is up, and they HAVE to tell us something). My mom doesn't keep food in the house. She goes to the store every day after work to buy dinner for the night. And, as far as my WIC, my younger sister gets to it long before I do, but storing it in our bedroom, or hiding it from her is totally out of the question, because it would cause nothing but a huge arguement with my mom, and that's the LAST thing we need. As of now, I eat once a day and my fiance' goes without every other day, so I can eat. I try to hide the stomach aches and everything else that comes with not eating like I'm supposed to, because I don't want people to see "the girl who's pregnant, and can't even feed herself". I guess I just finally had enough, and needed to vent. Sorry so long.
@Mnbaby3: I didn't know I could find something like that at the WIC office, but I'll definately be calling them in a couple of hours to find out what kind of info they have. There's not very many places around here willing to help folks out, but the few that they do have are lifesavers. I'm definately exploring EVERY nook and cranny for ANY help. Thanks for the info!
@mrs_shu: I actually came across some info about them, but they're located in the next state, and it's just not possible for me to travel that far. And, yes, there's a few dollar stores around here that also sell food.
@praying4our3rd: The thing about my doctor is, my mom used to work in his office, and he's a VERY close friend of her's. I doubt he'd believe I'm in this kind of situation with the income my mom has along with my step-dad's, but I'm ashamed to say, this is exactly where we're at. Hopefully, it doesn't come to me having to call the office, but if it does, it does. Thank you so much for your kind words, it's good to know someone understands, and I'd gladly accept the help, but I live in Louisiana.
@marie0907: I live in Louisiana.
And, after talking to my fiance', we're gonna break down and pawn our engagement rings so we can use the money for even a little bit of food. I thought about trying the Dollar Tree for snacks and juices (how can you go wrong when everything's a dollar?), and the Dollar Store for hot dogs, can goods, ramen noodles, etc. It's just SO hard to stay positive right now, and I have absolutly no clue how I'm doing it, but you guys have no idea how much this helps and keeps us pushing for something better. It really means A LOT!
Sorry for going on and on. I just need to vent, I guess.
Im living in Northern Ireland but thats my email address please get in touch if there is anything i can do for you. I have been in a similar position and know how hard it is to cope, i would like to help u in anyway that i can xxx us pregnant ladies need to stick together and help each other out x
my father has NEVER stood up for his ONLY daughter out of four kids, and continues to treat me like im not even family. that pissed me off so now we have a fridge in our room, and my finace eats maybe once a day even when i make him something to bring with him for lunch bc hes at work all day works his butt off and still doesnt make anythign, i make barely anythign working part tiem but i ahve to wuit soon bc its hard to do this pregnant. weer going to angel food ministries in my town next week so we cna make sure we brought our 'own food' into the house therefor we dont get talked to about eating his food. it pisses me off so much how selfish family can be when they are supposed to be the only ones here for you no matter what!
hang in there sweetheart it will get better theres all kinds of resources as youve seen here, and these ladies are so helpful you picked the right women to vent to
@praying4our3rd: The phone calls went pretty good yesterday. A few of the places said they couldn't help me because I didn't fit some kind of qualification they had. There's 1 or 2 that I have to actually go to their place to do an application for assistance, but they'e a decent distance from my house, so I'm going to talk to my mom about possibly bringing me. There's nothing set in stone with any of them, yet, but I also called on a Friday, so Monday I may get in touch with more people that can help.
@babynumbersix: Prayer is definately a life saver! Thank you!
@kdaniels: It is SO hard to do anything productive these days. It seems like once you get 2 steps forward, you get shoved 10 steps back, but believe me, things have a way of turning themselves around. It seems like your brother still has a lot of maturing to do, but I know EXACTLY what it's like busting your ass to get something clean, and then someone be rude enough to walk right past, or give you more to clean. I have a 17 year old sister that lives here, and she is the EXACT same way. But, in a way, your dad is right. You and your brother equally deserve places in the home, but there's no reason he should put your brother before you, or vice versa. I can imagine how hard that is. Anyway, some of the things we do to keep as much money in our pocket are;
-completely got rid of our cell phones, and borrowed one from my mom. (You guys aren't able to do that, so look into the Straight Talk plans from Walmart. It's $45 a month, and the phones actually get pretty good service.)
-signed up for free samples, and started clipping as many coupons as we could. (I HATE GOING TO A BUSY STORE WITH A FIST FULL OF COUPONS!!! Lol. But, I've saved A LOT of money.)
-joined a gas incentive program. I don't know where you live, but here at the Winn Dixie, for every $50 you spend in store, you get 10 cents off up to 20 gallons of gas. We can build it up to 70 cents off per gallon. It doesn't seem like much, but my God, it adds up. I know Krogers do it, but there's is 10 cents off a gallon for every $100 spent in store, and that 10 cents is good for 1 fill up.
It may not be much, but I hope this helps in some kind of way. It's hard to live like this, but saving every little cent helps. It'll definately get better one day! I wish you guys the best of luck!!
Around 10:30 or 11 yesterday morning, my fiance' got a call saying that his backround check had FINALLY came back, and of course everything was okay, so they wanted him to go take a drug test yesterday afternoon!!!
But I'm so glad the job came through for your hubby! That is such good news! I good things continue to get better!
Thanks for offering help, I really appriciate it, but as of today we're recieving food stamps, so things are definately looking WAY better.