in hospital, high blood pressure

edited June 2011 in Pregnant
So I came in Lastnight cuz I was having contractions every 2 minutes tht were lasting around 5 minutes, found out my blood pressure was way high and they kept me over night, now its back to normal but they want to keep me over night again just b watch it,
Can drinking castor oil have anything to do with the high blood pressure?


  • I don't think so how far along are u with my first two I was in and out with high bp the high bp can cause contractions good luck hope everything turns out ok
  • I'll be 37wks monday
  • Ok well yea they are goin to watch u closer cause ur so close to the end that ur bp can keep on goin up mine would go Down in hospital cause u just lay around and really don't do anything then when I would get out it would slowly go up
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