
edited June 2011 in Pregnant
Who has strechmarks already showing?


  • i have some on my inner thighs :(( so sad. i cry everytime i look at them.
  • i have a roadmap on my belly :(
  • Have u tried anything for them to go away? Am 8months and I can see the strechmarks already showing am sad
  • 29 almost 30 weeks and I have them on my butt and upper thighs/hips
  • nope.. im doomed to have them... my fault though but I think of them as a badge of honor to make myself feel better about it
  • iv tried everything, still there :( i may get them lazar removed though
  • yep its our lil present for carrinn our babies.. yay... lol.. i have some from my first preg.. but ive had them for 9 years and am over it.. wouldnt trade um in for anything.. cause i got my baby in return..
  • I've tried some stuff but its a price we pay as mothers.. if stretched marks are the worse thing I get I am going to feel blessed! I tell ya, woman who have to get their uterus removed down the road or other complications pay a higher price .. I just feel lucky I can have children !!
  • I have like 4 light little ones coming off my nipple on my boob. They don't seem to severe or intense so maybe something can help lighten them even more. Any ideas on what to try?
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