How can I get my doctor to induce me at 39weeks?

edited June 2011 in Giving birth
Ill be 39 wks this wednesday, and I really want to just be induced already. My first was 10 days over due before they induced me. He ended up being 9lbs 3oz, chances are this baby will be late and ill be induced anyhow (says my doctor)... So I figure if I'm going to wait only to be induced, then why not get induced earlier while shes smaller than wait and chance a c section because shes too big and gets stuck (thats how I was born, emergency c section, I was 10lbs and was over due, n I was the third baby) to make matters worse my bd was 9 n 1/2 pounds....another big baby is just in store for me! I just want to have my can I stress this to my doctor, so I can be induced next week?


  • Have you tried doing stuff to induce labor at home? I would try those things first, but why not just ask your doctor? The worst they would say is no.
  • Statistically, your chances of ending up with a c section are greater from pitocin induction than simply with a large baby. Especially if it's your second, you should be fine, even if you have a big baby. Try some stuff at home, like sex, walking, nipple stimulation (even with a breast pump), red raspberry leaf tea, warm relaxing soaks in the tub, evening primrose oil capsules, accupressure or accupuncture by a proffesional. Your doc can't predict if you're gonna be late, and if you experiment with different pushing postions you can increase your pelvic opening by over 30% from just laying on your back with your feet in the air (this is actually the least effective pushing position). I hope you go into labor soon and have releif from all the pregnancy woes!
  • Ask him to strip your membranes. If that doesn't wk he should induce u based on your size. Ask him if he'd rather have a 7 lb or 11 lb baby come out of one of his body's holes? ;)
  • edited June 2011
    @headersue ive been trying since 36 wks

    @babyrosalee thanks for your advice I have been trying some of those things since I was doctors think I will be late because I was late with my first and they said women tend to follow thier own patteren..i see more than one doctor and they all agree on that...they can predict that, obviously its not a guarantee but in thier experience its what they see time after time.

    I know that sometimes an induced labor can lead to a c section but I was induced with my first and I delievered vagionally. I would like to go into labor naturally but am not willing to go past my due date to do so. I would much rather be induced before then...i had a good experience with being induced before.

    @nmartinez79 yes thats what my plans r for my next appt, but if the striping of the membranes fail then I want to set a date for induction, its just hard because I see about 6 different doctors there and each of them do things differently...some won't induce until 42 wks! some won't strip membranes, some I just need to convince them to induce me if I dont go into labor naturally.
  • I would stay and demand!! Lol
  • @emmalouise im thinking of that as a last resort! Lol I dont understand...its my body, my baby, as long as im full term and baby is healthy, why can't they induce me if I want them to!
  • I wouldn't ever want to go past my dd either hun... good luck.
  • You should cry anx say you cant take the pressure and hip pain!!
  • How are you btw? I just woke up lol
  • Oh that's really a great idea... I was thinking the same thing... just say you can't take the pain anymore and bring on the tears!
  • Some drs won't induce early, because if anything goes wrong, they are liable for a malpractice suit. You might try calling and seeing if any of the drs are more likely to induce than others and reschedule your appt with the most sympathetic one. Babies only gain a pound a week the last 4 weeks, so the difference between inducing at 39 and 40 isn't that big. Hopefully, they won't let you go over!
  • Ya that's annoying I'm sorry. Have u tried walking a lot? Maybe tmi but try having lots of sex. I know it sounds painful and totally unnecessary right now but when u have an orgasm it makes your uterus contract. Maybe just go to your Dr office crying saying that you're so sore and miserable that it hurts to walk, sleep, etc. Good luck it will all be over soon;)
  • @proudmommy8789 I am im pain I feel like an old lady whos hips are giving out on her :/ lol, unfortunately I feel like what the doctors cant see (my pain) they dont worry, fortunatly my blood pressure and urine r always good, but if they werent they would induce because its something they can see with thier own eyes thats wrong....idk, does that make sense? Lol

    Im doing good, just getting very restless :/ im sure u r too! How is everything?

    @wallieheadbaby3 yea ive been past my due date with my first, its no fun! :(

    @laura536 yea well I would gladly sign a consent form against doing that :) yea but at the same time 1 extra pound can make all the difference, I was told I would most likely only have an 8pound baby, but ended up with over 9lbs! Hurt like hell, they let my epideral wear off and I felt everything :( I think the whole hospital could here me screaming! a 9 pounder and 10 pounder is a big difference to me! And I really dont want to have a c section because the baby is too big :/

  • edited June 2011
    @nmartinez79 thanks....yea ive been having sex even if I'm not in the mood, luckily bd is always ready lol I could wake him in the middle of the night and hed be happy lol
    i walk around the mall and stores alot, because its been so hot and rainy to walk outside, but I walk till my feet hurt and I get cramps in my belly, ive tried the evening primrose oil too...i feel like nothings working :/

    I barely sleep, im in pain and I get shortness of breath all the time, even if im just lying down!
  • ;( that sucks maybe its time to just cry and beg your Dr :(
  • im good right now im forcing mt self to clean the whole house today!! Maybe it make me go into labor!!
  • Do you have a pool you can go hang out in? I am 39.5 weeks, dilated to 1cm & Was told pool would help. Was in pool for 2 hrs today & im noticing Lowe back pain & cramping. Had to get out because of sun & too hot but will get back in when pool is more shaded!
  • Nope I rent and the handy man came by to fix some stuff and I sat down and never got back up!!
  • edited June 2011
    @proudmommy8789 lol happens to me all the time, sidetracked lol
  • I hope tomorrow I can get alot done lol
  • Good luck :).....god I can't wait till I dont wake up to go pee anymore!...i woke up to go pee at 3:30 n 'now I can't go back to sleep! ): and if I dont go back to sleep soon, I'm going to get hungry lol
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