oh it BURNS!

edited February 2011 in Pregnancy symptoms
So is anyone else experiencing burning nipples? I cant even put my shirt on right now it hurts so bad! Any advice on relieving the pain


  • Are they burning because they're dry??...or what?
  • how far along are you? I found relief it if put a tight bra on...
  • No I put baby lotion on and they still burned and were sore I'm 7 almost 8 weeks
  • My whole breasts were sore, not just the nipples. Maybe your just sensitive. If you use lotion, try unscented...what about vaseline?...
  • I am 5w6d and mine aren't burning but hurt real bad. The left is worse than the right. Only thing that relieves the pain is wearing a tight bra
  • My left one is killing me but the right ones alright
  • When i was early mine burned too i think they were just sensitive so i wore a bra 24/7 til it finally went away!!
  • Try putting a cool cloth on em and some lansinoh cream on them if you have any or vaseline like the woman above me said
  • Lanisoh. Plus if you choose to breastfeed, you'll already have it on hand. That stuff is miracle cream, I promise. I'm on my 5th baby, I nursed each of my kids until they were a year& a half, I have only used 2 tubes since you only use a tiny amount. Hope it helps!
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