killer heartburn

I am having horrible heartburn & I'm only in my 6th week w/my 2nd baby. I didn't get heartburn like this until the end of my 1st pregnancy. UGH!


  • Tums they work awesome I had it when I was pregnant with my first
  • Im 26 weeks with my first. My heartburn has been outrageously terrible. I some times have to sit up in order to sleep
  • Ok I think I'm having heartburrn but I have no idea wat heart burn exactly feels like....I've only experienced this twice in my life and both times were while I was feels almost like a pain comming up the bottom of my throat...and it hurts to this heart burn? Or indigestion? Lol ne one know?
  • They say if u have a lot of heart burn ur baby has a lot of hair or will when he/she makes their debut !!
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