medella hand pump?

edited June 2011 in Pregnant
Anyone used one and liked it? Pros and cons? I only want a pump because my husband wants to feed her some of the time and to have a little stash so if we go out and she's hungry I can just give her a bottle. I don't see a need to buy the $300+ electric pump cause ill be home with her and not working. And also what bottles do breast fed babies do well with?


  • I had one that I used with my first 2 babies. I pumped very seldomly and it worked perfectly for the amount that I used it. None of my babies liked bottles very much but they were willing to use the Avent bottles and nipples.

    That said, check with your insurance company about providing a breast pump. I never thought to even ask (and they certainly didn't advertise it) but I happened to ask with my last baby and they said they cover the cost of an electric pump with a prescription from your doctor/midwife. The pump they provided was actually really nice, not a high-end model but it more than does the job! They shipped it right to me for free, too!
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