
edited February 2011 in Pregnant
I have headaches almost every single day. Is it the hormones? Anyone else dealing with this??


  • Yep. Ive gotten migraines my wholw life and pregnancy always makes them worse/more frequent. My dr said it was from the elevated lvls of hormones. Usually though they subside during the 3rd trimester :) hang in there hopefully ot woll get better. How far are you?
  • Sheesh typos lol stupid touch screen phone!
  • I am 9weeks 5days. :)
  • I had my first migraine the other day. It felt three times worse than my most horrible hangover headache. Not a fun way to end V day :(
  • I am 15weeks now and this is the first week without headaches. Omg! Watch me have one in the morning since I said it.
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