Extreme stress.

edited January 2011 in First Trimester
This whole year so far has been nothing but stress. A couple situations where I end up bawling, screaming, almost throwing up. I found out I was pregnant on January 10th. I'm currently 6 weeks. Since I've found out I've still had such episodes. I just moved to a new city with my boyfriend. We've stayed in a motel and slept in my car. I haven't been able to just relax and eat right. I don't have symptoms really. Only sore breasts and fatigue. I also have cramping and odd pains, though I've been constipated. How likely is miscarriage when under extreme stresses and not getting adequate nutrition. I don't want to lose my baby? Could it be too late?


  • Or say I got on track today. How would all that previous stress still affect it?
  • I am too. Just try n hang in there.
  • I dont think its great but, if uve yet to see any blood than i think u can assume everything is okay...i just called the dr and they wont take me till i reach my 8-9 week unless im bleeding which makes me think ur probably okay..its funny how stress can be so influential of our bodies and all in a negative way... stay possitive. Look back at past situations where u thouht youd never get through and did. Everything happenes for a reason love...it will all be ok.
  • No blood, so that's calming. I tend to worry enough as it is. I read that miscarriages can just happen, no blood at all. I don't have an appointment until February 7th. I hate waiting. My first pregnancy and the only one to help me is the internet. I've been trying to stay positive. It's just kind of hard when your sleeping in your cold car with not a cent to your name. :p Things should be looking up now. I'll be back in a hotel tonight. My boyfriends starting to make money. I just don't want these past couple of weeks to cause me to lose my first baby.
  • Ud be surprised how strong u are. Were did u move to from?
  • How old r u love?
  • I moved from Northern Minnesota. Up and out with hardly any money in my pocket. Definantly not the smartest thing. Just another dumb move added to my list of dumbness. My boyfriend's originally from here so I thought things would go much smoother. My mom will let me move back in with her, but my boyfriend won't be able to come. My family doesn't approve of him. I really want him in our baby's life. Pregnancy and all. But like I said, I'm not sure how to handle any of this. Which is just added more stress. I'll be turning 19 on February 2nd.
  • And were is here? Cali?
  • Oh no, South Dakota. About 10-11 hours away from where I was.
  • I know its tough and u want ur bf to b apart of everything. But you need you need to just think of u and baby and whats best for the two of you. Everything else will work itself out.. Hang in there
  • Oh okay. U sound very mature for your age. I am most certain u will find ur way and everything will be just fine...as for ur parents sweetie...i dont thinnk they are doing u a favor in the least bit. They need to understand that u and your man are together for the long haul and should be happy that he is willing to do this will you 100%. It may not have happened the way they liked but can they say they are completely pleased with all decisions they have made. Im 26 be 27 by the time i give birth and i dont have a relationship with the father. We knew each other for a few months. Met once and here i am. Not the best but it is what it is. I wonder if ur parenta will open up to the idea...i hope they do.
  • They'll have to accept it eventually. :p Things always get better. It just takes time. I'm hoping they see him how I see him sooner, rather then later though. Because right now, life really sucks. Besides the fact that I'm carrying a gift and I'm with the love of my life. :) I'm greatful for that. But that damn stress. I want my baby to grow strong and healthy. Which is hard in this situation. I may have to leave my guy for a few months, so he can establish things here, and I can do what I need to do. Mother will not be changing her mind anytime shortly. -__- I don't know if I can do this alone. My boyfriend's not much help either. :p It's new to him, too.
  • Overall though, I really hope these past few weeks haven't harmed my baby. D: I think I'll take a another pregnancy test in a week or so just to calm me down.
  • Fingers crossed for you for sure...i do hope they come around as well. If it takes u going home till he can establish a livin situation than that is certaily best. As far as him not being much help i gather its only because he has no idea what hes doing rather than not just being around. Everyone starts somewhere honey.
  • Oh he's around, and he's definantly ready and daddy material. :) Thank god. He just has no idea about the pregnancy process, haha. And today he landed a nice temporary job and gives us more time in a motel. :) Gives me some more time to find work before I'm forced to go back to momma.
  • Well honey he sounds awesome. I certainly envy you there...like i said everything will fall in place...this will make u much stronger of a person and u will be better for it...oh i totally want to follow you and see ur progress...u tell ur mom she should be proud cause i said so...lol.
  • Good luck, things happen how theyre going to, just a tid bit, I spotted @ 6wks, I'm still going strong, I get my first initial check up 2morrow, if you feel ne kind of funny then go to the ER, but really they are going to just suggest bed rest, and no sex for 3wks to just make sure the egg gets good and implanted, just some advice from personal experience.....
  • And ps YOU MUST EAT get cheap stuff like yogurt cups, oranges, string cheese, loaf of bread, and lemons when you feel nauseous (for some reason they work great for morning sickness, its cheaper than buying some other stuff, n did better than crackers 4 me) but you need to get these things solely for u 2 snack on, otherwise ur gonna start feelin really sick and malnutritioned SOON, that feelin is the worst, u feel like ur slowly dying or something, and you start feelin a lot more dizzy.... Keep urself healthy girl!!
  • ... in my opinion, I say go back to mom. Can he go back to his parents for a bit? Have a talk with him and see. Have a talk with mom too, tell her how you feel about her grandchild needing their dad. If you're spending every bit you have on motel and sometimes not having enough, how's it going to be when the baby is here? Babies are expensive and can not live off a temporary job that sometimes lead to.sleeping in cars, that's when child services steps in. Sorry to be harsh, but I would like to put it out there before its too late.
  • Things won't be like this for long. A month or two at the most. Like I said we're JUST starting out in this new city. His mom lives here, but she can't help us right now. But once things gets better for her she's going to help us get a place. We'll be getting by until then. My mother's an absolute no. She has her judgement and won't change it for anything. On another note, I woke up this morning feeling dizzy and sick. I'm officially spotting. :( like, pinkness.
  • Oh no....stay in bed if u can and drink fluids.
  • I've been taking it easy. And so far no more pinkness. Trying to stay positive.
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