back to square one :*(

I tested again and still a bfn. I am so sad. My husband doesn't understand why I can be so upset. We have two kids already but its still hard bc I have pcos and bc of that I don't have Af visit me without meds. I guess I will have to start the meds again. Just was wishing that this was our month.


  • edited June 2011
    :( I'm srry dear....i know that can be discouraging. but stay strong, itll happen.
  • :( I'm sorry. How long has it been since the beginning of your cycle? Is there any chance a blood test would come out positive and the hcg just isn't high enough yet?
  • @bensMama Af started may 11. Today my app says im only 4 days late
  • i know how hard it all is... i'm sorry it's been so tough. :( but keep the faith and keep ur head up... it will happen! we've got to stick together on this! ;)
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