Gender Prediction

edited February 2011 in Just for Fun
Ok so today I was on the internet and found this so I decided to test it out so far it seems quite accurate and it fun..I'm sure some you have heard of this before so this is what you have to do..this is supposed to tell you the gender of every pregnancy you've had or will have in the future even if it Isn't a full term it goes. You put a ring on a necklace and you hold it as steady over your left palm if it starts to circle its a girl if it swings its a boy its supposed to pause or slow down between pregnancies you can try it out on women who already have kids to see how accurate it is..hope you have fun trying this out ..let me no how it goes ;)


  • I have been doing this since I was a lil girl. anyone I have ever done it 2 it has been correct it even has been correct on me so far! I swear by it!
  • It's kinda creepy but cool I've don't it to some family members and it's been accurate super fun!!
  • Yeah super creepy! But so accurate I love it! I was buying boy clothes for my first child at 8 wks and sure enough the necklace thing was right! This time I'm supposed 2 have a girl :)
  • I did it to my self and my next pregnancy would be a girl which I totally want since I have to boys..hope everything is going well with your pregnancy far along are you??
  • So the first time you do it will be about your first pregnancy and second of second preg? Bc I have a son and I'm pregnant now I wanna do it! But I wanna do it right
  • I'm 14wks I was having a great pregnancy until a couple days ago and I started bleeding I went in for an ultrasound and they told me I have a placental hemorage which increases my chance of a mc but he says the baby and HB look fine. And now it feels like I'm having some contractions when I'm up and moving around. I have a feeling bed rest is in my near future :( how's your preg. Going
  • Yeah it goes in order ...but you hold it their until it stops moving. So wait a few sec. Before you put it down I'm my case my first was a girl..which I miscarried then it stopped for a few seconds then it started swinging..(boy) pause, boy, pause girl, pause, boy then it completely stopped so according to that ill be pregnant 5 times but remember that they don't necessarily mean its gonna be full term...Hope you understand what I'm trying to say I tend to get people confused ..let us know what it says for you
  • @babynumber2

    Sorry to hear that :( really hope that everything turns out fine..just follow you doctors orders no matter how frustrating it might wishes and as far as me I'm actually waiting on my period it late which never happens usually I'm a few days earlier every month ..(fingers crossed ) hope to be having one soon
  • Yay! That's exciting!! Good luck!!
  • Okay just did it.. omg talk about weird!! My hubby got all freaked out! Lol it said boy(my son), boy(ectopic last march), boy(this one!) , girl, boy.. I did it 3 times and it did the same thing all 3 times
  • I know its creepy but so cool
  • I tried it. And it stayed still then spun.. I am pregnant now and have a girl..does that mean boy since it stayed first and obviously ny daughter is a girl lol.
  • @myasmommy2009

    Well if the first one goes in circles then that for the girl you already have and then it kinda stops for a bit and goes on to the next pregnancy if it swings back and forth than its a boy
  • Ok.. it stayed still... then swayed then went in a circle.. my first is a girl. So I guess im not doing it correct n will try again :)
  • It works on guys 2! That's how I knew my hubby was the one his said the same as mine :)
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