?s on what happens from here

I go to my docter next month and am due sept 15.
I was wondering when we start talking about the birth plan, or having bi-weekly appointments.
I guess im really just wondering what happens from here?


  • Hmm, I think you should be seeing your doctor bi-weekly after this last appointment. I'm due Sept 18 and I see my doctor July 1st and after that, it will be bi-weekly from what she told me. You haven't asked your doctor the last time you saw him/her? My doctor is pretty good at informing me the status of our future appointments. I always ask a buttload of questions lol. Also check to see if you can take a hospital tour of the birth center where you will be delivering. Sadly, my hospital requires us to pay $150 for a 3 Saturday in a row session for a birth class and tour. My BF and I are just going to an hour class instead that presents a slide show and all about the birth center and it's free!
  • @rizzychicky my last appointment he just gave me the paper work to fill out to reg at the hosital, and the papers for my glucose (sp?) Test.
    He hasnt really mentioned my future appointments. At this next appointment maybe he will if not I shall ask.
    what are you having?
  • Usually at 27 weeks you go every 2 weeks and then at 36 weeks you go every week. Definitely start talking about your birth plan.
  • Ill be 27 weeks thursday. The next time I see my docter ill be almost 30 weeks.
    I will deff have to star talking about it... It seems like I still have a long time but I guess I dont... Im so unprepaired (sp?)
  • Im having a baby boy :-) you?
  • My doc doesn't require biweekley appointments untill 33 weeks..then weekly at 37
  • Oh we are due on the same day! And go back in 2 weeks. I've been doing the bi-weekly and on occasion weekly visits since very early but I'm at high risk. My next app I will be doing the glucose test and I'm going to talk to her about the hospital visit. She also gave me a breastfeeding booklet and a paper about the birth plan
  • @rckprincess2 I do my glucose tom. Ill tell u how that goes lol... thats exciting on 94 more days for us!

    @jessicalee maybe mine does 33 idk but im going to ask:)

    @rizzychicky im also having a boy!
  • At my last appointment, 29 weeks, I stared going bi-weekly. I'll go back on the 23rd at 31 weeks. I guess that just depends on how your doctor operates? Who knows. But, I've already got my birth plan drawn up. There's a website.. www.birthplan.com that'll walk you through making a birth plan. I'm a first time mom myself, so I just did a little research on the things I didn't know, but it was actually pretty easy to put together. I think I'm going to bring up the birth plan at my next appointment, being that I'm getting closer and closer. Anywhere from 28 weeks seems like a good time to discuss it from my point of view. Congrats on the baby & good luck!
  • Aww thanks for the info im a first time mom too.
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