Anyone with older children please help!!

edited June 2011 in Parenting
So my mother is having an issue with my eight year old brother chewing on everything. Mainly video gaming cords and just today chewed the cover for his DS to pieces. All I can tell her is just not allow him to have certain things. Idk what to do. I thought he was too old to still be chewing up things. Does anyone have any tips I could give her?


  • Maybe have him wear one of those mouth gaurds they use for nightime grinding might help.
  • I have a friend whos son did the exact same thing.. She rub tabasco sauce into everythin so anytime that he went to have a chew he got a nasty surprise (he hated the taste).
  • When my daughter was about that age she chewed on her sleeves all the time. Never plastic.
    There has to be a reason he has started this. Maybe counseling?
  • I'm not too sure about him. Personally I think he has some major anger issues. My mother isn't the best parent, always yelling at him. He also knows about him being adopted. Idk if his anger would have anything to do with it.
  • Tabasco idea back fired on my mom. Try nail polish remover. I know i might soumd bad but a friend used i to get her son to stop bitting his nails worked great and his fine
  • I think its a kid thing. My daughter who just turned 7 still has a habit of putting things in her mouth. Barretts, her sleave , coat, shirt. So I told her every time I see it I'm gonna pop her in her mouth cuz I shouldn't have to keep telling her not to cuz she's to old. N that's what I do. She's slowly coming around. If she has something n her mouth n I see her she quickly takes it out.
  • My daughter would chew on her hair.. I dont know why she did it and i asked her she said I dunno, I asked her to stop and thankfully she either stopped or stopped doing it when I am around her :)
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