21 weeks and all the sudden

edited June 2011 in Pregnant
I feel super tired again. I have an office job so that shouldn't wear me out but I am starting to feel as exhausted as I did in the beginning. Has this happened to anyone else if so what did you do to fix it? Thanks ladies.


  • Im always tired. Been exhausted this whole pregnancy.. I dont think there is a cure lol
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  • Just try to get some more rest. If it's severe, ask your doc if you might be iron deficient. :)
  • Same here. Seems like I was do exhausted the first 3 months and then it didn't even feel like I was pregnant anymore until I hit 20 weeks and now I'm exhausted again and trying to sleep every chance I get.
  • Ya I spent all day yesterday in bed trying to sleep and at work I could hardly keep my eyes open.
    I am going to ask about iron deficiency I had low iron as a teen so I wonder if its back. Its so weird that all the sudden I feel like I am in the first tri again Lol
  • I am 23 weeks and I am sooooo tired. Although I do have more energy when I actually get up and make myself do things. But if I let myself be lazy I feel like I could just sleep all day. Try being active and see if it triggers some energy.
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