always so negative...LETS BE POSITIVE! +

edited June 2011 in Pregnant
I feel like I read a lot of pregnancy negatives. So let's b positive! I'll start:
I love that I now feel my baby kick n punch me(i know that will change so bear with me ppl ^-^)- now 22weeks!


  • :) I love how when im in a bad sad or negative mood feeling my baby move puts a smile on my face :) now 23 weeks :)
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  • I love that I can eat whatever I want without throwing it up lol & I'll have the excuse "I'm pregnant" 21 weeks here lol
  • The girls are a lot more responsive at 26 weeks. I guess because their hearing is better now. They still play the little game with daddy when he comes to feel them moving they're all going nuts in my tummy, then he comes and they just freeze! lol
  • Yay let's keep em comin! @AmberLynnOct20th that hilarious! Love that too but it feels like the more I eat the stronger his punches get...which I guess is good!
  • I love that a week after I felt first movements, Daddy got to feel it when I asked Baby to kick a little harder-and he instantly complied! He's a genius at 21 weeks! :-)
  • @dra765 lucky u I have an anterior placenta so I don't feel movement yet :(
  • @AmberLynnOct20th dang I'm sorry but when u start to feel em it'll keep ur eating in check! I refuse to eat past 9 so he doesn't stay awake hehe
  • I love feeling & seeing my daughter move in my tummy - I'm 37w2d, due July 2nd with my first child. It's so fun to play music & feel her respond, or to touch my belly & feel her move. I love the attention everyone gives me while pregnant. I love how my baby's father pampers me extra & thinks my ridiculous cravings are funny, even as he's driving to the store at 3am to get me something. There's a lot about being preggers I will miss...

    2 weeks & 5 days to go, according to Pregly's stats. :)
  • @ artistmamma I can't wait to c the movements! When did that start? I love all the other things especially the much as I deny it
  • I just recorded Aly moving around in my stomach!! :D her movements are getting so strong! What a fantastic way to start the week!! I am 22+3 weeks :X
  • @dra765: For me, actually seeing the movements didn't start until about weeks 28-30. But, I'm overweight, & all my skinny friends saw movement with their kiddos before me. One saw her first at 26 weeks. I would guess it depends on your body, how big the baby is, & how active they are + where they're positioned at the time. It's very surreal & amazing to look down at your belly and see it moving from the inside, & to know it's your little beautiful baby in there doing it!! :D
  • I love love love looking at baby clothes!!! And I get the biggest smile when my baby girl moves in there :) even at 3 am cuz I moved my legs. I Love thinking about holding my baby girl when she gets here I can picture her in a tiny little outfit and me sitting in a rocker feeding her. Ps I think she liked that idea cuz she kicked when I was typing
  • @dra765 what a GREAT topic. I love the fact that we are creating a new life! We are only 12 weeks so no movement yet.
  • I love that even if my other 3 kiddos and hubby are gone, I'm still not alone. I love that Maddox seems to stop moving when I talk to him and then moves in response. I love my family and I can't wait to meet baby Maddox! 19w5d
  • I just love that I'm pregnant! :D Anything that makes me feel pregnant, I also love - including nausea! (yes, I know that will change ;) ) but I'm only 4 + 2 so I'm just thrilled!
  • I love that I was blessed with one of the greatest blessings of all, my baby :) ... also love seeing and feeling baby move.
  • Love no period! !!!!
  • edited June 2011
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  • I love that I get to feel/see my baby move. I love it :D I love getting cute things for her.I love hearing her hb at doc office!
  • Aww I can't wait hearing all of u's :X
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