ttc pregly friends
HI FRIENDS! just wanted to check in and see how ya'll are doing?!?! I'll have af any day now... and we've barely gotten any baby making done but i think things are calming down and less stressful (kind of) so i'm hoping this non-preventing thing will work. Who knows! but I hope everyone's feeling good! >:D< i know i've kinda been m.i.a. but I'M HERE!!
@kristaf22 how far along are you?
@patientlyw8ting4blessing good luck keep me posted please
@patientlyw8ting4blessing good luck on your wait! i haven't been tracking but bc of one of my apps that i use the calender for, it tells me mf af day. Sending lots of baby dust to you, it's good to see ya!
@teuy any info that you wanna share girl? I'm wishing u lots of luck and baby dust on your wait as well!!! looks like i'm starting all over now. lol
@lovelymom23 Happy Baby Dancing to you!! haha sending lots of sticky baby dust your way and hoping your week is fun! i've heard great things about preseed and kinda started the whole discussion on it after a pregly friend informed me how well it worked for her! a bunch of preseed buds have gotten their bfp's!! can't wait to hear of yours.
-maybe i should start using it. i only used it twice and didn't at all this month with everything going on. maybe i'll 1/2 try
@kristaf22 THANKS GIRL!! >:D< we could use all the encouragement!! & baby dust lol
anyways! i'm with ya on the ovulating differently every month, and even when i start my af. so let me know if you figure anything out!!! hahaha i'm wishing you lots of luck and baby dust!!
We decided to start ttc in Dec of 08 while bf was out of town for work. Which meant stopping bcp. I have a son so I thought it would be easy. HaHa little did I know my body was crazy! After 3 surgeries by my ob for cyst endometriosis and fibroids I ask for a ref to fertility specialist. I had 2 more procedures for polyps (uterine) cyst again and adhesions that had my left ovary twisted. I took 4 rounds of fertility treatments and blood work every other day just to find out not every person ovulates at day 14. Mine is day 8! Go figure. I decided it is to expensive and the stress is killing me. I was DONE! One last pregnancy test just to end it and got BFP! Just talking to a specialist will give you peace of mind and you will get there. I wish you all of the baby dust in the world!
Sorry so long!
Unfortunately for me I'm feeling some cramping now about 7 days away from when af is due so idk how I'm feeling about my chances this month.
(ps i would have clicked "like" for your last comment if i could!!)
@teuy anything else going on with you?! that would be great if it was implantation!! :-ss i hate that 2ww wait!! lol
@USMCwifemommy101107 THANK U!!! WE NEED IT!!! ;;)
@kristaf22 i'm on af aka "game time" as we call it. No fun for me X( but hopefully this next month i'll get to baby dance bc this last one was pretty lame with the stress! booo! :-q lol
@excitedtobe HEEEEY! thanks girl, it's good to be connected with you girlies again!
As far as my 2ww nothin. I got about 8 days left and I'm nervous but I know that I'm doing everything in my power and I'm keeping myself as healthy as I can. I quit a lot of bad habit no drinking, smoking and most recently no caffeine.
hey... CONGRATS on making better choices for yourself and your future baby!! that's great!!! =D> and will certainly help!!
@patientlyw8ting4blessing sheesh I'm hoping I didn't get a false positive cus I really don't wanna see her. I'm crappy crazy though. Good luck for next month.
@patientlyw8ting4blessing i'm on to next month as well... HOPE OUR MONTH COMES SOON!! BABY DUST i just got over af...