how accurate is the chinese gender chart?

edited June 2011 in Pregnant
I just did the chinese gender chart and it said ill be a proud mommy of a little boy! I hear alot of people on here that swears by it and some that don't so how accurate is the results?? I'm only 12 weeks now so I have about 3 to go til i know for sure..I'm too anxious now lol


  • edited June 2011
    Mine said I would have a girl regardless if I conceived in oct. or nov. '10 and its a boy ;) just my experience
  • edited June 2011
    It was right for my first (a girl) and I'm pretty sure its wrong for this one. It's saying boy, but at my u/s on Friday the tech said she's 80% sure its a girl. It's a 50/50 shot at being right...great odds ;)
  • It was right for me!
  • wrong for me!
  • It was right for me! Supposedly its 90% accurate but I'm not sure
  • Wrong for me n I made sure my lunar age n all that crap was right
  • it was right for my last pregnancy. but i am also 12 weeks pregnant says i should be having a boy. we'll see in 4 weeks. i scheduled a 4d appointment to find out the sex since my doc saif i would have to wait till 18-20 weeks for my next u/s lol
  • Mine was def right for my first. This time it said boy if I concieved in Jan and if I concieved in Feb. I was super sick the first week of Feb, so I'm sure we didn't have sex. This baby is a girl, so idk, lol!
  • Most people that get it wrong calculate it wrong, mine was right.
  • It was right for both of mine the best site is
  • I don't swear by it, but it is correct for me.
  • Was right for my daughter and now right for my son :)
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