Sister miscarried

edited February 2011 in First Trimester
My sister just mc her baby at 6 weeks I've never lost a baby what do I say 2 her, its her 20th birthday tomorrow I feel so terrible I'm 27 weeks u think maybe she wouldnt like 2 see me for a little while I dunno any suggestions


  • My sister had lost two last year and I can tell she is still very upset about it and it hurts see to c me going threw it, so I dont talk to her about my pregnancy. Even though its hard cuz I live with her.. I know if it was my sister I wouldnt go around her cuz itll probably really hurt her but I duno ur sister so im not sure how she would feel..
  • Sorry about ur sisters loss..
  • Thanks same 2 u, hopefully things only get better from here
  • Hope and pray they do. I think my sis is going to try again.. Hopefully god will let her have this baby.. Everything happens for a reason even though we dont understand y and it hurts us alot
  • I think you should talk to her about it. I lost a baby at 8 months and the worst part was how everyone, especially the pregnant people in my life, were so uncomfortable in front of me and never addressed it. I needed something to be excited about at that time and wanted to be a part of their pregnancies.

  • Thankyou we actually spent the day together today n she was alright just a bit sore but she told me that her na her other half agree 6oing 2 try for another one so shes staying positive which is good, sorry to hear that, it must have been hard for you I hope its domething I never have 2 face
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