What's YOUR story?

Just thought that since a lot of my ttc friends have gotten their bfp's, i'd like to learn about more of you! some of us have been laying low, some are new, and some i just haven't gotten to know all that well! So What's Your Story?
How long have you been ttc? how are you going about it and what have you been trying? married/dating/single? wanting to get pregnant/adopt/d.i.? What had made you want a child? How old are you? -add anything else that you'd like to share!

I'm sure many know my story since i've been pretty open about it but... for those of you who haven't been able to get to know me i'm 30 (hubby is 34). We got married on 10-10-10 and left it up to chance. Got pregnant right away but lost it around 5-6 weeks (i am thinking now that it may have been a chemical pregnancy though). We had a long road to get here bc of his fears in starting "another" family... he never wanted his girls to feel as if they were getting replaced, but our wedding brought out amazing feelings and connections and we just knew that it was time. We're both super excited about it and he sure wants a little boy!! I'm just hoping he gets one... or any child for that matter bc sometimes with this wait it gets frustrating and you want to throw in the towel!! BUT we're not, jsut took some time off due to stress. I'm hoping this month is a little more back to normal after af leaves (she came today). I wont be tracking and going crazy with it all as i did a couple months ago.... i'm already hard enough on myself!

So how about you all?!?! 8->


  • I love your wedding date! My hubby and I got married on 1-1-11 and we are due on 10/23/11. I'm secretly hoping the baby stays in a little longer and comes out on 11-1-11. :)
  • @1stwoodsbaby thank u!! I wanted fall (my favorite season & When we met) plus we had it outside in new England so it was perfect! I love the date too ;) urs is fun as well!!! Ohhhh that would be super neat if u had ur baby 11-1-11!! And, usually with your first You go late anyways.... that would be PERFECT! LOL GOOD LUCK.... I'll have to check in on ya and see! Of course I'd be shooting for a Halloween baby!!! Haha
  • I, too, love your wedding date because I'm a total number nut & ran my first marathon on 10-10-10, lol. That's now tattooed on my left foot. ;)
    Good luck ttc; I got preggo less than a month after the marathon & plan on running another to honor this baby in 3 years (the one I ran in Oct was to honor my first daughter <3).
  • im 23 hubby is about to b 25 we already have 2 boys 4&3 weve been together for 8yrs we were high school sweet hearts and we got married on 3-19-11 (so recently) and were ttc baby #3 trying for the girl! Y i dunno we figure y not? lol but i was tracking with the my days app but i stopped bc its not accurate i just track af for my own purposes so when it happens it happens....i guess.....but we agreed to really try this month bc were both guilty of not bd too often so this month we will actually try try ;p lol
  • Im 26 and my husband is 31. We dated a month and a half and got married 1-20-2003. We got pregnant after one month of trying. Our son will be 8 later this year. When he was 3 we started tryin for another. After 3 years of trying and no luck we went to a fertility dr. Found out I have PCOS and put me on meds. One month of meds and we got pregnant. We are trying for our third.....just been trying for a couple of months now.
  • WELL lets see! I'm 20 john is 23, we will have been together for a year on July 21, 2011 :) we lived together for quite a bit before than and have been best friends for quite a while before that as well. We had been ttc for 8 months and tried everything except for going to a fertility doctor. We even cooked "special" foods to help lol. We decided that we would make a perfect couple with out actually dating when we started ttc... Since we would never break up lol. We were weird. We have been unofficially engaged since december 21 2010 but he hadn't got me a ring yet so we don't completely count it xD. That and he is still married going threw a divorce, his wife is pregnant due in december and the bd is a toss up between 3 guys :( that stew DEF not him they have been separated for 2 years now. So that is now complicating the divorce :/ we are having our little boy due in october :) and I think we need to.hang out so.I can sprinkle baby dust all over you and you can rub my lucky roundness that win me 15 dollars at the casino last night! Lol!
  • @sunshinelove awww we have a connection... 12-21 is a special date for us too!! #1 it's my fav number and his fav number, together #2 it's the date on our marriage license :O (in our story... we were actually married before we were engaged). I have 12-21 in a matching tat we both have on the tops of our shoulders (neck to shoulder but mines more femmy) with a couple of other specials dates too. Ur story sure is complicated... i like it bc it makes mine sound a little less crazy in a way (well, the rest of our story that is). LOL I'm wondering if we'll have to go to a fertility dr.... :-ss i sure hope not. But thanks for sharing lady... if only you could share that luck and fertility!! haha :-))

    @momof2andwantinga3rd do you ever wonder why it was so easy the first time?!?! it seems so crazy to me that things can change!! But wonderful that you were able to get pregnant again after figuring it all out... i sure hope that you have the same luck this time around ;-) i look forward to that update.... i bet your kids will be great helpers!!

    @vette_devil i have it in a tat as well... too funny. it sure is a great date!! :-D Hmmmm i wonder if i should run a marathon just so i can have more luck with ttc?!?!?! haha but really, i'd love to do a shorter one to start myself off... what a feeling of accomplishment!! CONGRATS!
  • Im 21 & my fiance is 20. We've been together since 9/13/10. Got engaged last month. Known each other since we were 14. Been ttc officially for 6 mths now. Been living together since Jan. We don't rly do anything special to conceive. Just sex & love lol. I have no tats unfortunately yet. He has 5 & wants more. Help ladies lol. I just finished my certification program to be a medical billing & coding specialist yesterday. I will start my Externship next week. If we are to get Oregon this would be our first! Nice to meet you ladies :)
  • Prego* smh damn autocorrect lol
  • @purple89 first... congrats on finishing your program! that's great!! and good luck on the next step, i'm sure you'll do great!! :) -maybe oregon could be a code word for you guys hahaha i sure hope you get your blessing soon... looks like you've got the right approach!! ;-) AAAAAAND, never rush on a tat until you LOVE it, and it means something to you. I have more than i can count and although i have a couple small ones that are more quirky... the many many many that i have all have at ton of meaning behind them, and i thought long and hard about them. it's my way of healing and keeping memories. i love em! hahaha are you not wanting him to get more?!?! 8->
  • I got married 10-24-09 and we tried for a year b4 we concieved. We found out on halloween nite tht we were pregnant which was one week after our one year anniversary. I cant tell u how many times i gave up but havin a lot of support helps!
  • @mrsrocketfield1221. Thnxs. & idk Oregon is way 2 far 4 me lol. But ya neva know ;). & my 1st tat will def symbolize something meaningful. & idk I just dnt like 2 many tats. Maybe if he gets my name then we can tlk. Haha. Hows ur ttc journey goin?
  • I'm 20 and my fiancee is 26 we've been together for 3 1/2yrs we are getting married 10/29/13 (our 5yr anniversary)
    We have a 3yr old son together and I have 1 angel daughter who was born 12/29/05 @24wks
    We are ttc #3 right now but my pcos is not cooperating :( we've already picked names though! Zander Jaymes or Kairi Lurene
    I thinks thats about it! :)

  • @purple89 I didn't mean go there! Lol I meant that you could use it as a "code word" for pregnant. Haha
  • OOops I sent it without being done! Our ttc journey stinks right now but I'm just hoping happiness and blessings come our way soon :)
  • @praying4our3rd such a tough story, mc always makes me sad... I hope that you guys get blessed soon with a sticky baby!!! :) so October is when you'll be trying?!?!
  • @sycosis69 my goodness, prayers to u as well... I can't believe just how many babies are lost every year. It scares me... sending u lots of luck and baby dust :) sounds like October is a great month to luck & love! Haha so why not get married this October?!?! ;)
  • @mrsrocketfield1221 ohhhh im kinda slow lol. & mine has been rough. But things are coming together so hopefully we will be prego for 2011
  • Hi, I'm Cristina, 33, my husband is 57. We've been married since 8-17-00. He had a vasectomy about 20 yrs ago. He has 21/24 year old kids (I still call them Kids). I had pretty much given up hope of ever having kids but something just grabbed hold of me late last yr. Started looking into IUI and got really excited, then my ins said cuz of my husband's vasectomy, they wouldn't cover it
    My mom then told me about a clinic in Mexico. I had an IUI on 1/20/11 and got my BFP. Sadly the Drs here thought it was an ectopic pregnancy even though there was no pain, eventually I had a surgery on 2-14 and it wasn't what they thought, but I started miscarrying within days cuz of the surgery . Afterwards my ins decided they would cover an IUI, so now I'm on my TWW. Sorry pretty long but still very abbreviated.
    Baby dust to everyone
  • I am 27, hubby is almost 24, married 09-26-2009. Hubby nor I have any children & ttc for 21 months & have been seeing several dr including fertility for over a year. In the past yr I have been put on provera, prometrium, HIGH doses of birth control clomid (2 rounds), megestrol & metformin (NONE of these have worked & have messed up my already messed up system even more) I have been to the ER twice due to the medication. Once bc I lost too much blood & the other bc I was in the worst doubled over stabbing pain of my life. I have wanted to b a mommy since I was very little. My mom said I took. baby doll w/ me everywhere & I made sure it clothes & diapers were changed, made sure they were fed, bathed, & seatbelted into the car. When I was 12 I was helping my aunt & uncle w/ their 6 month old grandson (my cousin) my parents let me stay w/ them to help out & he called me mom until he was two (bc decided to teach him I am aunt jen) he is 14 now & he knows I'm his cousin but he calls me aunt jenny-jen :) anyway at that time I said that I couldn't wait to get married my mom said why I said bc I want to be wife so that I can be a mommy! Becoming a mommy is my dream! I love my husband very much & am very lucky to have met him & I fell head over heels for him! But I dream, wish, & pray every second of everyday to be blessed w/ a miracle!

    I have been diagnosed w/ hyperplasia, hyperestrogenism, & PCOS. The megestrol was suppose to help w/ the hyperplasia......but I've taken it for over two months & it hasn't done anything & has put me in agonizing pain for over 3 wks! So since the nurse didn't ask the dr if my pain could b linked, I (w/ the help of my family )decided to quit taking the megestrol & to reduce the metformin from 2000 mg a day to 1000 mg & it has been the best decision bc my pain is very reduced to almost none. Sorry so long......
  • I am 27 my husband is 29. we got married 8-13-05. Been together for almost 9 yrs. We never a 6 yr old together. It was a mutual decision to have another baby. Unfortunately, we have an angel who went to heaven recently.:( now we are trying to conceive again. Baby dust to everyone.
  • Baby dust to all. I am 31 and hubby is 36. We have two children already and the 3rd is due in 14 weeks. I also have pcos and 1st and 3rd took years to conceive . I have been married 9 years but together for almost 12.
  • @triedsohard thanks so much for sharing your story... it sure is an interesting one and i'm glad you've shared bc i've also been worried about age and blending families. i am wishing you lots of luck and baby dust that you get a sticky healthy baby. :)

    @Prayin_4_twins ugh so much that has gone on with you, i really truly hope that you get your bfp soon! how is everything going? i am so nervous that i will have to go through some of those things as well... i will be heartbroken if something is wrong. :/ i am praying that you get everything taken care of so that you can be healthy inside and out and that you get your BFP soon!!! i will be cheering you on girl... keep me up to date. >:D< your strength has been inspiring. keep it up! have faith.

    @hope_4_baby_boy i know the hurt, and sure hope that your heart heals soon. but i am sending lots of happiness and baby dust to YOU as well!!! GOOD LUCK!! ;;)

    @ourbaby3 THANK YOU, and GOOD LUCK!!!! \:D/
  • :') I have a dr appt wed. Do you have reg periods? & usually (idk a ton about it yet) those that have PCOS are a lil heavier bc their bodies won't allow them to break down carbs like normal. You look very very thin. I don't wish this pain on anyone not even my worst enemy. This has been painful & heartbreaking. I feel broken, like I'm not 100% woman bc I haven't been able to do what women are suppose ti do :( I try to stay as strong as I can. Sending prayers & dust to you sweetie!
  • hi! I'm April. I'm 28 and hubby is 31. We've been married almost 7 years. I'm a stay home mom. We have 3 girls (Kaylynn 6, Ella 3, Noel 2). I too have an angel baby we lost in 2006. :( Had mirena put in after Noel was born and had it removed in january. I'm petty sure i had a chemical preg in april. Af just showed her ugly yesterday. I think i may try pre-seed this month. We r really hoping to have a boy... Secretly, i really wouldnt mind another girl either. ;) i just feel like our family isnt even close to being complete yet. I would really LOVE to have another baby and adopt as well. I spent time in Haiti after high school working in an orphanage and ive always knew that one day we will adopt a couple orphaned children... My dreams anyhow. :) i girl can dream, right?! I love being a mom and theres not a moment that i take for granted. Life is precious. I wish all the ladies on here all the best... :).
  • @praying_4_twins i promise I'm not very very thin... i'm about average i guess, but a bit thicker than average (especially in my legs). for my wedding i was in good shape... but since then i have kind of let it all go with this ttc stuff. always afraid of doing something wrong. i've also been sick on and off for long periods of time and question my iron count as well. Hopefully all is ok, my periods range from 29-37 days. They're mostly around 33-34 but change, the same with the flow. Some times it's heavy for a day or two and light the rest, other times it can last about a week going back and forth. this past seemed a bit more heavy but who knows! I hate all this difficulty... and sure wishing you didn't have to deal with the hard times! i'm sorry you do, sure hope it all becomes worth it soon!!
  • @praying_4_twins i promise I'm not very very thin... i'm about average i guess, but a bit thicker than average (especially in my legs). for my wedding i was in good shape... but since then i have kind of let it all go with this ttc stuff. always afraid of doing something wrong. i've also been sick on and off for long periods of time and question my iron count as well. Hopefully all is ok, my periods range from 29-37 days. They're mostly around 33-34 but change, the same with the flow. Some times it's heavy for a day or two and light the rest, other times it can last about a week going back and forth. this past seemed a bit more heavy but who knows! I hate all this difficulty... and sure wishing you didn't have to deal with the hard times! i'm sorry you do, sure hope it all becomes worth it soon!!
  • oops, stupid comp!
  • @mommyof3girls i have always dreamed of adopting as well, since i was little. i have always had this connection with Africa and after watching a special i told my mom my thoughts and she thought i was crazy... i guess back 20 yrs ago or so it wasn't as excepted. BUT i have always had the thought that i'd love to! unfortunately, it's pretty expensive, my husband already has 2 girls, we want at least one, and we're not getting any younger... so i'm not sure that it will actually happen. but i have that dream as well and feel very passionate about it. and love that both my sister in law and brother in law and their families have adopted (withing their own state). my husband on the other hand believes there's plenty of children waiting in heaven to come down... such a pain in the butt! i'd LOVE to have one, and adopt one :)

    i'm wishing you lots of luck and sending sticky baby dust that you are blessed with another... and then some! haha keep me posted ;)
  • and good luck with preseed... maybe we will try it again this month.
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