umbilical cord

edited June 2011 in Second Trimester
im 22 weeks pregnant. had my ultra sound at 19 weeks and they seen that my baby only has two veins in her umbilical cord instead of three, i wen to a specialist and they said she is growing perfect her heart and everything is good. im just really worried about her even tho they are telling me everything is fine, has any one else experienced this?


  • @OregonMama yes i go to a specialist every month as well as my normal baby doctor. they are both doing ultra sounds everytime i come in to make sure she is growing right. im sure she will be fine but it still worries me. they said she is very active and growing great.
  • yes thats what they told me, they said there was a risk her heart wouldnt grow right but they measured everything and her heart looks fine. she just has to hang in there and grow!! shes doing very good so far. i just get so nervous everytime they start lookin at her because they dont tell me anything untill the end of the appoinmnet.
  • My best friend has a two vessel cord with her baby and he is fine...he is 8 pounds at 36 weeks! I would say no worries ;)
  • Also, she will likely be induced at 39 weeks because he is so big!
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