**NO OFFENSE** (Just a thought)

edited June 2011 in Pregnant
So what do you ladies think about being pregnant but not having sex with father but someone else? Would u do it or just wait?


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  • I wouldn't have sex with anyone else while pregnant,that's just me...
  • i consider it cheating if you are in a relationship with the father.. regardless if the women is pregnant or not. ;;)
  • Yes, im with my bd but it was just a thought wanted your ladies opinion
  • I would never cheat on my husband....wouldn't want it done to me so I surely wouldn't do it to him!
  • No ok well if your not with the childs father would u have sex with someone else
  • I would not.
  • edited June 2011
    Personally if I was in a relationship I wouldn't. But if you have an open relationship and don't view It as cheating...to each their own.
  • I think she means, if you weren't with the bd, would you have sex with someone else.

  • Ppersonallly I would not
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  • edited June 2011
    see above
  • Cheating is cheating even if your pregnant. Though I have known women who do it because they can't get more pregnant. But you would be putting you and your baby in a complicated stressful and maybe dangerous situation.
  • Oh ok I wouldnt I just dont like.the idea of somebody else penis in me and its not theirs...I would jus wait. But like you said to each its own. It was just a THOUGHT?
  • NOOOOO ITS NOT CHEATING!!!! Im asking as if u arent with the bd
  • If I wasn't with the father then I still wouldn't do it because my child is inside me.it would just be weird to me.
  • If I was pregnant and not in a relationship with the father, I would. That is if I had someone who'd do it with me despite the belly and stretch marks...
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  • @excitedforbaby....Yea I was jus thinking about it but I couldnt do that either I jus wouldnt feel right.
  • Well, if I were no longer with bd and had entered into a new committed relationship I would still probably wait until after baby. I would feel weird having sex with another man at that point, I think. Not 100% sure, though. Maybe if we were exclusive and in love, but not for just sex.
  • I think its kinda disrespectful to the father....but that depends on why the person isn't with him. I think that those 9 months should be spent on the child and mother.
  • Me either.....
  • Oh sorry I interpreted it wrong.
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  • Me n my bd had broken during my 2nd trimester n I think its a disrespect to him so I remained alone till we got back together. It all depends on your thoughts tho :)
  • I am with someone other than my babies dad. However the guy Im with is considering himself the babies father, because her bio father wants nothing to.do.with her
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  • I don't know what I would do if I was actually in that situation but I had many fantasies and dreams about 2 other men in the first 3 months of my pregnancy. Nothing I'd ever act on, I'm happily married. Idk where the thoughts came from, one guy was an ex that I am on great terms with, the other is a co-worker I find handsome but would never ever be with. I was paranoid and embarrased about these day/night dreams, I never told anyone. I did have great sex with my hsbd up until I got sick at 5 mons and never fantasized during sex just when I was bored, I guess. Weird hormones.
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