Ughhh =(

edited June 2011 in Food
I'm so hungry! But I've been sick all day, throwing up and diarrhea (sorry, tmi, I know) and every time I eat I just get sick again. This totally sucks! I want food!!


  • I know they really don't count as "food" and there's no filling aspect to them but I've been having my fair share of issues with diarrhea, too. I haven't had any potty problems up until yesterday...I've been living on these foods:
    1) bananas - which also ward off the leg cramps
    2) applesauce (w/ cinnamon)
    3) yogurt & blueberries...dried blueberries work best
    4) PediaSure - ABSOLUTE GOD SEND!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    The doctor told me to make sure to avoid things like raw vegetables, caffeinated/carbonated beverages (I can't stay away from my Cherry 7-Up, though), and anything too hot or too cold.
    These are just the things that help me...I started having semi-solid movements about 2 hours ago (sorry, tmi...I know) but I'm still trying to stick to the same diet, just to be safe!
    Feel better(:
  • Aww thanks! I'm trying to eat bland. I've heard some women get sick before labor, I'm going that's what this is!!
  • I've hear that, too...potty problems toward the end is usually a sign that baby is almost here; your system is trying to clean itself out for labor. (: It's miserable but it's definitely a good sign! Good luck(: & definitely keep us up to date on little one!!
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