OMG.. restless leg syndrome anyone???

So here I am again wide awake because this stupid restless leg syndrome. I never had this with my first pregnancy and its so annoying!! I'm flopping all over the bed like a fish! Everything I look up online says there is a connection between RLS and pregnancy but they aren't sure why or how to fix it. :( anyone else feel my pain???


  • Im with u! Mine started @ 14wks (Im 23wks now). No one has been able to give me an answer so im just dealing with it. It pretty damn painful at times. I feel ur pain u are not alone!
  • I know right??? Mine started about then too and now I'm 34 weeks.. it drives me nuts. My doctor just said to try and stretch out my muscles to help.. but nothing works.
  • Me to! It usualy helps me abit if I get up and walk around my House for a few minutes or stick my face out the window and take a few big breaths of freash air! ...other night nothing helps and id like to pull my hair out!
  • I have it! take benadryl before bed and don't drink cokes 2 hrs before bed(:
  • Lol I had it before I got pregnant n now its 20x worse my hubby hates it he constantly telling me to stop but I cant
  • Have you had your iron levels checked that was what caused it in me when I started taking the iron it went away.
  • Sorry ladies hopefully onces baby comes it will calm down if not go away. I am curious what does it feel like. I just keep pulling muscles which to me is more than usual. I wondering if I am experiencing what you guys are.
  • My husband suffers from RLS BAD. If you have knee socks put two or three on each leg. RLS is mainly due to poorer circulation triggering muscle spasms to help w blood flow, the socks will help considerably. Also when your prego your your growing middle puts pressure on a main artery running down your right side, its why doctors tell you to lay on your left side w baby. Also Vitamin C helps, ALOT!! He drinks about a gallon of oj every two days and takes Vitamin C pills, don't know the medical connection there but it works. If your legs still bother you elevate them as well.

    Hope that helps,

  • I have it preggers or not. Benadryl helps. But I noticed the more active I am the less I experience it.
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