Officially Due Today!!!!

edited June 2011 in Pregnant
Just needed to tell somebody how excited I am! Lol Today's my due date...and I'm way too impatient to get this babygirl out of me already!! I'm so excited, but no signs of labor at all!!! =/ I walk ALOT, we've done the whole SEX SEX SEX that everybody around me has told me helps LOL etc...this lil lazy girl needs to hurry up mommy and daddy and everybody else around are way too excited to meet her! My Dr. Says if I don't deliver by tomorrow's checkup they'll schedule me to be induced for this weekend but I wanna avoid bein induced!


  • edited June 2011
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  • @TricesBaby thanx! lol you're very right they won't go drag me out of the house ;) lol I'm just not liking the whole being induced concept lol but we'll see how it all goes and OMG you were a biig baby! Lol it must be true about the overdue babies beginning to gain a pound a day! Crazy!
    @jtmoon98 thanx we'll see how it all plays out my mom thinks I'll pop tonight and I'm kind of hoping so lol but it makes me feel a lil bit better to hear that its not as bd as it seems lol
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  • Good luck! My due date is in 2 days and today my doctor said we wouldn't talk about inducing till the first week of July..which is what I wanted to hear :p
  • My first was one week over due and I had a fast...easy delivery and my baby was 6 lbs 14 oz..not too big. So waiting for baby to come on its own may not be too bad. Good luck hope babies on its way :)
  • I was due yesterday! (The 14th) and my dr is inducing today! They said he's between 7.5-8lbs..I'm soooo excited/scared @ the same time!
  • Thanx ladies...well i had my check up yesterday doc says by sunday i will have reached my limit whatever that but i havent even begun to open...he scheeuled me to be induced on sunday gotta check in at the hospital at 5 in the feeling a lil better about the whole process and since sundays fathers day i wouldnt mind poppin her out lol :)maybe i can get to walking enough that she'll be here sooner ;)
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