
edited June 2011 in Pregnant
I'm sure this topic has come up but I would like to know of anyone who has children & would recommend breastfeeding. This is my first pregnancy & I'm having a girl due Oct.4th. I hear stories that the child won't like to be around anyone but me if she's breastfed. I also hear that the weight you've gained during your pregnancy will shed off quicker if you nurse your baby. Lastly how long should I nurse her? Any feedback will help neither myself nor siblings were breastfed so I'm very anxious/curious to find out :)


  • I breastfed my daughter and will do it with this one. Its the best thing for the baby and its free! And you can do it for however long you want too! BTW Im due Oct.1st :-D
  • The child will want to be around u more then other because u are meeting the childs needs. Other maybe able to help if u pump and allow them to feed the child. Breastfeeding does help u lose weight after the baby is born. And it is recommedned that u try to nurse for a full year although most women don't. So it really is a decision that u have to make based on personal needs of u and ur baby! Good decision to breast feed! Good luck!
  • Thanks! I can't wait to hold her & have that bond with her.
    @BigBelly how are you dealing with the summer heat. I live in TX & its no less than 100 degrees here every day!!
  • @1stTimeMommy2011 Lets just say I HATE the heat!!! I live in Maryland and for like the past 2 weeks its been in the upper 90's. I was born in TX so I know how you feel there! So I sit in my nice cold house unless im in the pool!
  • I would recommend it. I breastfed for only 4 months because I ran out. They say at least 6 months, but anything is better than nothing. My son is not shy what so ever and never has been. So, the part about your baby not wanting anyone isn't true. Personally, I didn't lose the pregnancy weight that fast while breastfeeding, but I didn't strictly breastfed, so I don't know about that.
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